HR 9131

House Resolution
2A resolution recognizing Florida's vineyards and wineries
3for their valuable contributions to Florida's rich
4history, culture, and economy.
6     WHEREAS, over 100 years before the Pilgrims landed at
7Plymouth Rock, and 300 years before California became a state,
816th century Spanish explorers settled in Florida, which they
9aptly named in recognition of the state's beautiful fruits and
10flowers, and brought with them the traditions of Old World
11winemaking, and
12     WHEREAS, Spanish settlers harvested the wild Florida grapes
13and, applying the traditions of their homeland, converted
14Florida's wild muscadine into the first American wine, and
15     WHEREAS, evoking memories of sleepy summer afternoons in
16the deep south, smooth, aromatic, and nostalgic muscadine wines
17are the byproduct of Old World traditions and new world
18production methods and are a southern specialty produced nowhere
19else on earth, and
20     WHEREAS, for over 75 years, scholars at the University of
21Florida have been committed to improving Florida grapes,
22developing varieties that are well-suited to winemaking and
23Florida soils and that flourish in Florida's subtropical
24climate, and
25     WHEREAS, Florida's wineries and vineyards are scattered
26throughout the state, from Destin, through the Panhandle, and
27south as far as Plant City and Fort Myers, with harvest times
28ranging from May to September, and
29     WHEREAS, Florida's vineyards, wineries, and flavorful wines
30are interesting parts of Florida's history that more and more
31people are discovering and appreciating, NOW, THEREFORE,
33Be It Resolved by the House of Representatives of the State of
36     That the Florida House of Representatives recognizes
37Florida's vineyards and wineries for their valuable
38contributions to Florida's rich history, culture, and economy.

CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions.