HB 17C

A bill to be entitled
2An act relating to liability for pollution; amending s.
3376.031, F.S.; revising the definition of the term
4"damage" under the Pollutant Discharge Prevention and
5Control Act to provide for liability for economic damages
6and for tax revenue lost as a result of a prohibited
7discharge; amending s. 376.12, F.S.; deleting provisions
8relating to limitations on liability for cleanup costs and
9exceptions thereto; conforming a provision to changes made
10to the Administrative Procedures Act; conforming cross-
11references; amending s. 376.09, F.S.; conforming
12provisions to changes made by the act; amending s.
13376.205, F.S.; conforming a cross-reference; providing an
14effective date.
16Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida:
18     Section 1.  Subsection (5) of section 376.031, Florida
19Statutes, is amended to read:
20     376.031  Definitions; ss. 376.011-376.21.-When used in ss.
21376.011-376.21, unless the context clearly requires otherwise,
22the term:
23     (5)  "Damage" means the documented extent of any of the
24following as a direct result of the discharge of a pollutant:
25     (a)  Destruction to or loss of any real or personal
26property., or
27     (b)  The documented extent, pursuant to s. 376.121, of any
28destruction of the environment and natural resources, including
29all living things except human beings, as the direct result of
30the discharge of a pollutant.
31     (c)  All economic damages, including, without limitation,
32loss of income and, without limitation, with respect to the
33state and all political subdivisions thereof, loss of tax
35     Section 2.  Section 376.12, Florida Statutes, is amended to
37     376.12  Liabilities and defenses of responsible parties;
38liabilities of third parties; financial security requirements
39for vessels; liability of cargo owners; notification
41     (1)  LIABILITY FOR CLEANUP COSTS.-Because it is the intent
42of ss. 376.011-376.21 to provide the means for rapid and
43effective cleanup and to minimize cleanup costs and damages, any
44responsible party who permits or suffers a prohibited discharge
45or other polluting condition to take place within state
46boundaries shall be liable to the fund for all costs of removal,
47containment, and abatement of a prohibited discharge, unless the
48responsible party is entitled to a limitation or defense under
49this section.
51provided in subsection (3), a responsible party's liability to
52the fund for costs of removal, containment, and abatement shall
53be as follows:
54     (a)  For a vessel transporting pollutants as cargo:
55     1.  For any such vessel of 3,000 gross tons or more, $10
56million or $1,200 per gross ton, whichever is greater.
57     2.  For any such vessel of less than 3,000 gross tons, $2
58million or $1,200 per gross ton, whichever is greater.
59     (b)  For any other vessel: $500,000 or $600 per gross ton,
60whichever is greater.
61     (c)  For a terminal facility: $150 million.
63of subsection (2) shall not apply when:
64     (a)  The department demonstrates that such discharge was
65the result of willful or gross negligence or willful misconduct
66of, or the violation of an applicable federal or state safety,
67construction, or operating regulation or rule by, the
68responsible party, an agent or employee of the responsible
69party, or a person acting pursuant to a contractual relationship
70with the responsible party, except where the sole contractual
71arrangement arises in connection with carriage by a common
72carrier by rail; or
73     (b)  The responsible party fails or refuses:
74     1.  To report the incident as required by law and the
75responsible party knows or has reason to know of the incident;
77     2.  To provide reasonable cooperation and assistance
78requested by a state or federal on-scene coordinator in
79connection with cleanup activities. The responsible party must
80file an objection with the department if such party deems that
81cooperation or assistance requested by a state or federal on-
82scene coordinator is unreasonable. Such an objection must be
83filed with the department within 2 working days after the
84request. If such request is determined by the department to be
85unreasonable, the responsible party may assert a claim against
86the fund, pursuant to s. 376.123, for reimbursement of expenses
87incurred in carrying out such request. The responsible party may
88not file an objection to a request based solely on the premise
89that the requested activity did not have satisfactory results,
90that the responsible party has exceeded the applicable
91limitation of liability, or that the responsible party has a
92defense to liability.
94responsible party is liable to the fund, pursuant to s. 376.121,
95for all natural resource damages that result from the discharge.
97responsible party is liable to any affected person for all
98damages as defined in s. 376.031, excluding natural resource
99damages, suffered by that person as a result of the discharge.
101responsible party that disputes any claim by the department may
102request a hearing pursuant to ss. 120.569 and s. 120.57.
103     (5)(7)  DEFENSES TO LIABILITY.-In any proceeding
104determining claims of the fund or any other claims by the state
105pursuant to ss. 376.011-376.21, it shall not be necessary for
106the department to plead or prove negligence in any form or
107manner. The department need only plead and prove that the
108prohibited discharge or other polluting condition occurred. The
109only defenses of a person alleged to be responsible for the
110discharge to an action or proceeding for damages or cleanup
111costs shall be to plead and prove that the occurrence was solely
112the result of any of the following or any combination of the
114     (a)  An act of war.
115     (b)  An act of government, either federal, state, county,
116or municipal.
117     (c)  An act of God, which means only an unforeseeable act
118exclusively occasioned by the violence of nature without the
119interference of any human agency.
120     (d)  An act or omission of a third party other than an
121employee or agent of the responsible party or a third party
122whose act or omission occurs in connection with any contractual
123relationship with the responsible party, except where the sole
124contractual arrangement arises in connection with carriage by
127provided that, to establish entitlement to any of the foregoing
128defenses, the responsible party shall plead and prove that the
129responsible party exercised due care with respect to the
130pollutant concerned, taking into consideration the
131characteristics of the pollutant and in light of all relevant
132facts and circumstances, and took precautions against
133foreseeable acts or omissions of others and the foreseeable
134consequences of those acts or omissions.
135     (6)(8)  EXCEPTIONS TO DEFENSES.-The defenses provided in
136subsection (5) (7) shall not apply with respect to a responsible
137party who fails or refuses:
138     (a)  To report the discharge as required by law, when the
139responsible party knows or has reason to know of the discharge;
141     (b)  To provide reasonable cooperation and assistance
142requested by a state or federal on-scene coordinator in
143connection with cleanup activities. The responsible party must
144file an objection with the department, pursuant to subsection
145(3), if such party deems that cooperation or assistance
146requested by a state or federal on-scene coordinator is
148     (7)(9)  LIABILITY OF THIRD PARTIES.-In any case in which a
149responsible party establishes that a discharge or threat of a
150discharge and the resulting cleanup costs and damages were
151caused solely by an act or omission of one or more third parties
152as described in paragraph (5)(7)(d), or solely by such an act or
153omission in combination with an act of war, an act of
154government, or an act of God, the third party or parties shall
155be treated as the responsible party or parties for all purposes
156of determining liability under ss. 376.011-376.21.
157     (8)(10)  LIABILITY OF CARGO OWNERS.-The owner of a
158pollutant transported as cargo on any vessel suffering a
159discharge within state waters is liable for all cleanup costs
160within the applicable vessel liability limits established under
161this section, not paid for by the owner or operator of the
162vessel. However, the cargo owner is not liable under this
163subsection if the vessel owner, operator, or master is found in
164compliance with the financial security requirements of this
165section at the time of the discharge or fails to provide
166certified notification of the cancellation or withdrawal of
167financial security to the department and the cargo owner at
168least 3 working days before the vessel entered state waters.
170FACILITIES.-In addition to any civil penalties which may apply,
171any person responsible who fails to give immediate notification
172of a discharge to the department or the nearest Coast Guard
173Marine Safety Office or National Response Center commits a
174felony of the third degree, punishable as provided in s.
175775.082, s. 775.083, or s. 775.084. However, a discharge of 5
176gallons or less of gasoline or diesel from a vessel shall not
177give rise to felony penalties for failure to comply with the
178state notification requirements in this subsection. After
179reporting a discharge, a vessel shall remain in the jurisdiction
180of the department until such time as the department is able to
181prove financial responsibility for the damages resulting from
182the discharge. The master of a vessel that fails to remain in
183the jurisdiction of the department for a reasonable time after
184notice of a discharge commits a felony of the third degree,
185punishable as provided in s. 775.082, s. 775.083, or s. 775.084.
186The department shall not detain the vessel longer than 12 hours
187after receiving proof of financial responsibility. The
188department shall, by rule, require that the terminal facility
189designate a person at the terminal facility as the person in
190charge of that facility for the purposes specified by this
192     Section 3.  Paragraph (b) of subsection (7) of section
193376.09, Florida Statutes, is amended to read:
194     376.09  Removal of prohibited discharges.-
195     (7)
196     (b)  A responsible party may assert a claim against the
197fund only if it under the following circumstances:
198     1.  A responsible party who complies with the requests of
199the state and federal on-scene coordinators and later pleads and
200proves a valid defense under s. 376.12 may assert a claim
201against the fund, pursuant to s. 376.123, for reimbursement of
202the reasonable costs expended for containment, abatement, or
204     2.  A responsible party who complies with the requests of
205the state and federal on-scene coordinators and later pleads and
206proves a valid limitation of liability under s. 376.12 may
207assert a claim against the fund, pursuant to s. 376.123, for
208reimbursement of the reasonable costs expended in excess of the
209applicable limitation of liability.
210     3.  If the department has determined, pursuant to s.
211376.12(3)(b)2., that a particular request by a state or federal
212on-scene coordinator for the responsible party's cooperation or
213assistance was unreasonable, the responsible party may assert a
214claim against the fund, pursuant to s. 376.123, for
215reimbursement of the costs expended in complying with the
216particular request.
217     Section 4.  Section 376.205, Florida Statutes, is amended
218to read:
219     376.205  Individual cause of action for damages under ss.
220376.011-376.21.-The remedies in this act shall be deemed to be
221cumulative and not exclusive. Nothing in this act shall require
222pursuit of any claim against the fund as a condition precedent
223to any remedy against a responsible party. Notwithstanding any
224other provision of law, any person may bring a cause of action
225against a responsible party in a court of competent jurisdiction
226for damages, as defined in s. 376.031, resulting from a
227discharge or other condition of pollution covered by ss.
228376.011-376.21. In any such suit, it shall not be necessary for
229the person to plead or prove negligence in any form or manner.
230Such person need only plead and prove the fact of the prohibited
231discharge or other pollutive condition and that it occurred. The
232only defenses to such cause of action shall be those specified
233in s. 376.12(5)(7). The court, in issuing any final judgment in
234such action, may award costs of litigation, including reasonable
235attorney's and expert witness fees, to any party, whenever the
236court determines such an award is in the public interest.
237     Section 5.  This act shall take effect upon becoming a law.

CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions.