HB 23C

A bill to be entitled
2An act relating to appropriations; providing an
3appropriation to the Grants and Donations Trust Fund
4within the Agency for Health Care Administration for use
5in the Medicaid program and Low-Income Pool Program;
6providing a contingency for the transfer of funds from the
7low-income pool; providing for a portion of the
8appropriation to be used as the state match for the
9disproportionate share hospital programs and as payments
10to Shands Teaching Hospital to continue the original
11purpose of providing health care services to indigent
12patients through Shands HealthCare System; providing an
13effective date.
15Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida:
17     Section 1.  (1)  For the 2010-2011 fiscal year only, the
18sum of $9,673,569 of recurring funds is appropriated from the
19General Revenue Fund to the Agency for Health Care
20Administration as grants and aids for the Shands Teaching
21Hospital. Such funds shall be primarily designated for transfer
22to the Grants and Donations Trust Fund within the Agency for
23Health Care Administration for use in the Medicaid program or
24Low-Income Pool Program.
25     (2)  Of the funds appropriated in this section, $3,820,670
26may be used in the Low-Income Pool Program or as funding to buy
27back the Medicaid inpatient and outpatient trend adjustments
28applied to Shands HealthCare System's individual hospital rates
29and other Medicaid reductions to their rates up to the actual
30Medicaid inpatient and outpatient costs. The transfer of the
31funds from the low-income pool is contingent upon another local
32government or health care taxing district providing an
33equivalent amount of funds to be used in the Low-Income Pool
35     (3)  Of the funds appropriated in this section, $5,852,899
36may be used as the state match for the disproportionate share
37hospital programs funded in Specific Appropriation 190 of
38chapter 2010-152, Laws of Florida.
39     (4)  To the extent that the Agency for Health Care
40Administration cannot use the full amount of the funds
41appropriated in this section as directed in subsections (2) and
42(3), the remaining funds may be used secondarily for payments to
43Shands Teaching Hospital to continue the original purpose of
44providing health care services to indigent patients through
45Shands HealthCare System.
46     Section 2.  This act shall take effect upon becoming a law.

CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions.