House Concurrent Resolution
2A concurrent resolution directing the Office of Program
3Policy Analysis and Government Accountability to conduct a
4comprehensive study to determine the feasibility of
5installing solar panels on all state-owned buildings;
6requiring a report to the Legislature.
8Be It Resolved by the House of Representatives of the State of
9Florida, the Senate Concurring:
11     That the Office of Program Policy Analysis and Government
12Accountability shall:
13     (1)  Conduct a comprehensive study to determine the
14feasibility of installing solar panels on all state-owned
15buildings when constructing new buildings or when repairing or
16replacing the roofs of existing buildings. The study shall
18     (a)  A summary of available photovoltaic technologies that
19are suitable for installation on the roofs of buildings.
20     (b)  The structural requirements for successful
21installation and use of photovoltaic technology.
22     (c)  The projected cost of installation and maintenance of
23the technology and the estimated savings from use of the
24technology to offset the purchase of electricity.
25     (2)  Report the findings of the study to the President of
26the Senate and the Speaker of the House of Representatives by
27March 1, 2011.

CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions.