HB 27C

A bill to be entitled
2An act relating to energy efficiency; amending s. 377.806,
3F.S.; reestablishing a period of time for which residents
4of the state are eligible to receive rebates for specified
5solar energy systems under the Solar Energy System
6Incentives Program; revising the rebate amount for
7eligible solar photovoltaic systems; providing a schedule
8for rebate amounts based on the total wattage of the
9system; revising the maximum allowable rebate amounts for
10solar photovoltaic systems; clarifying eligibility
11provisions for the installation of specified thermal
12roofs; revising provisions relating to the determination
13and publication of rebate availability information;
14providing for the issuance of specified rebates; providing
15appropriations for the Solar Energy System Incentives
16Program and the Low-income Emergency Home Repair Program;
17providing an effective date.
19Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida:
21     Section 1.  Subsections (1), (2), (3), and (6) of section
22377.806, Florida Statutes, are amended to read:
23     377.806  Solar Energy System Incentives Program.-
24     (1)  PURPOSE.-The Solar Energy System Incentives Program is
25established within the commission to provide financial
26incentives for the purchase and installation of solar energy
27systems. Any resident of the state who purchases and installs a
28new solar energy system of 2 kilowatts or larger for a solar
29photovoltaic system, a solar energy system that provides at
30least 50 percent of a building's hot water consumption for a
31solar thermal system, or a solar thermal pool heater, from July
321, 2011 2006, through June 30, 2015 2010, is eligible for a
33rebate on a portion of the purchase price of that solar energy
36     (a)  Eligibility requirements.-A solar photovoltaic system
37qualifies for a rebate if:
38     1.  The system is installed by a state-licensed master
39electrician, electrical contractor, or solar contractor.
40     2.  The system complies with state interconnection
41standards as provided by the Florida Public Service Commission.
42     3.  The system complies with all applicable building codes
43as defined by the Florida Building Code.
44     (b)  Rebate amounts.-The rebate amount shall be set at
45$2.50 $4 per watt for the first year, $2 per watt for the second
46and third years, and $1.50 per watt for each subsequent year,
47based on the total wattage rating of the system. The maximum
48allowable rebate per solar photovoltaic system installation
49shall be as follows:
50     1.  Ten Twenty thousand dollars for a residence.
51     2.  Fifty One hundred thousand dollars for a place of
52business, a publicly owned or operated facility, or a facility
53owned or operated by a private, not-for-profit organization,
54including condominiums or apartment buildings.
56     (a)  Eligibility requirements.-A solar thermal system
57qualifies for a rebate if:
58     1.  The system is installed by a state-licensed solar or
59plumbing contractor or, for the installation of a roofing
60contractor installing standing seam hybrid thermal roofs, a
61state-licensed roofing contractor.
62     2.  The system complies with all applicable building codes
63as defined by the Florida Building Code.
64     (b)  Rebate amounts.-Authorized rebates for installation of
65solar thermal systems shall be as follows:
66     1.  Five hundred dollars for a residence.
67     2.  Fifteen dollars per 1,000 Btu up to a maximum of $5,000
68for a place of business, a publicly owned or operated facility,
69or a facility owned or operated by a private, not-for-profit
70organization, including condominiums or apartment buildings.
72     (a)  The commission shall determine and publish on a
73monthly regular basis the total number of rebates issued, the
74amount of each rebate issued, the amount of rebate funds
75remaining in the current each fiscal year, and a statement that
76rebate applications will not be accepted after funds for the
77current fiscal year are depleted.
78     (b)  The total dollar amount of all rebates issued is
79subject to the total amount of appropriations in any fiscal year
80for this program. If funds are insufficient during the current
81fiscal year, any requests for rebates received during that
82fiscal year may be processed during the following fiscal year.
83Requests for rebates received in a fiscal year that are
84processed during the following fiscal year shall be given
85priority over requests for rebates received during the following
86fiscal year.
87     (c)  Before accepting any new rebate applications or
88issuing any new rebates, the commission shall issue rebates for
89applications that were approved through June 30, 2010, but were
90not paid due to insufficient funds. Such rebates shall be issued
91in the order the applications were approved.
92     Section 2.  (1)  For the 2010-2011 fiscal year, the sum of
93$130 million in nonrecurring funds is appropriated from the
94General Revenue Fund to the Florida Energy and Climate
95Commission for the purpose of administering the Solar Energy
96System Incentives Program pursuant to s. 377.806, Florida
97Statutes. The commission shall allocate $30 million of such
98funds to issue rebates for applications that were approved
99through June 30, 2010, but were not paid due to insufficient
101     (2)  For the 2010-2011 fiscal year, the sum of $50 million
102in nonrecurring funds is appropriated from the General Revenue
103Fund to the Department of Community Affairs for the purpose of
104administering the Low-income Emergency Home Repair Program
105pursuant to s. 420.36, Florida Statutes.
106     Section 3.  This act shall take effect upon becoming a law.

CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions.