1 | Representative Weinstein offered the following: |
2 |
3 | Amendment (with title amendment) |
4 | Remove line 76 and insert: |
5 | or employees. However, except as provided in s. 447.303, |
6 | deductions may not be made for the dues, |
7 |
8 | Remove line 125 and insert: |
9 | compensation of any person employed by the public employer |
10 | unless a county or municipality approves, by local ordinance, |
11 | the deduction or collection of dues, uniform assessments, fines, |
12 | penalties, or special assessments of a local labor organization |
13 | from the compensation of any person employed by the county or |
14 | municipality. Any |
15 |
16 |
17 | ----------------------------------------------------- |
18 | T I T L E A M E N D M E N T |
19 | Remove line 12 and insert: |
20 | purposes of political activity; providing an exception; creating |
21 | s. 447.18, F.S.; |
22 |
23 | Remove line 27 and insert: |
24 | organization; providing an exception; amending s. 447.507, F.S., |
25 | relating to |