1 | Representative Fresen offered the following: |
2 |
3 | Amendment (with title amendment) |
4 | Between lines 2667 and 2668, insert: |
5 | Section 71. Paragraph (c) of subsection (4) of section |
6 | 409.212, Florida Statutes, is amended to read: |
7 | 409.212 Optional supplementation.- |
8 | (4) In addition to the amount of optional supplementation |
9 | provided by the state, a person may receive additional |
10 | supplementation from third parties to contribute to his or her |
11 | cost of care. Additional supplementation may be provided under |
12 | the following conditions: |
13 | (c) The additional supplementation shall not exceed three |
14 | two times the provider rate recognized under the optional state |
15 | supplementation program. |
16 |
17 |
18 | ----------------------------------------------------- |
19 | T I T L E A M E N D M E N T |
20 | Between lines 212 and 213, insert: |
21 | s. 409.212, F.S.; increasing the limit on the amount of |
22 | additional supplementation provided by a third party under |
23 | the optional state supplementation program; amending s. |