Florida Senate - 2011                        COMMITTEE AMENDMENT
       Bill No. CS for SB 1396
                                Barcode 509388                          
                              LEGISLATIVE ACTION                        
                    Senate             .             House              

       The Committee on Judiciary (Braynon) recommended the following:
    1         Senate Amendment (with title amendment)
    3         Between lines 191 and 192
    4  insert:
    5         Section 3. Section 400.1757, Florida Statutes, is created
    6  to read:
    7         400.1757Resident use of electronic monitoring devices.—
    8         (1) As used in this section, the term “electronic
    9  monitoring device” means:
   10         (a) Video surveillance cameras installed in the room of a
   11  resident; or
   12         (b) Audio devices installed in the room of a resident which
   13  are designed to acquire communications or other sounds occurring
   14  in the room.
   15         (2) A nursing home facility shall permit a resident, the
   16  resident’s personal representative at the resident’s request,
   17  the resident’s surrogate, or the resident’s guardian to monitor
   18  the room of the resident through the use of electronic
   19  monitoring devices.
   20         (3) The nursing home facility shall require a resident, the
   21  resident’s personal representative at the resident’s request,
   22  the resident’s surrogate, or the resident’s guardian who
   23  conducts electronic monitoring to post notice that the room is
   24  being monitored by an electronic monitoring device on the hall
   25  door of the resident’s room.
   26         (4) Electronic monitoring conducted under this section:
   27         (a) Is voluntary and may be conducted only at the request
   28  and expense of the resident, the resident’s personal
   29  representative at the resident’s request, the resident’s
   30  surrogate, or the resident’s guardian; and
   31         (b) Must protect the privacy rights of other residents and
   32  visitors to the nursing home to the extent reasonably possible.
   33         (5) A nursing home facility shall inform a resident, the
   34  resident’s personal representative, the resident’s surrogate, or
   35  the resident’s guardian of the resident’s right to conduct
   36  electronic monitoring. The nursing home may not inquire of a
   37  prospective resident or representative of a prospective resident
   38  of the resident’s plans regarding the future use of electronic
   39  monitoring, and may not refuse to admit a person to the nursing
   40  home or remove a resident from the nursing home because of a
   41  request to use an electronic monitoring device.
   42         (6) A nursing home shall make reasonable physical
   43  accommodation for electronic monitoring, including:
   44         (a) Providing a reasonably secure place to mount a video
   45  surveillance camera or other electronic monitoring device; and
   46         (b) Providing access to power sources for the video
   47  surveillance camera or other electronic monitoring device.
   49  If electronic monitoring is conducted on behalf of a resident,
   50  the nursing home may require the resident, the resident’s
   51  personal representative, the resident’s surrogate, or the
   52  resident’s guardian to conduct the electronic monitoring in
   53  plain view.
   54         (7) A nursing home may require that a request to conduct
   55  electronic monitoring be made in writing.
   56         (8) Subject to applicable rules of evidence and procedure,
   57  a tape or recording created through the use of electronic
   58  monitoring conducted under this section may be admitted into
   59  evidence in a state court or administrative proceeding.
   60         (9) An administrator of a nursing home facility who
   61  knowingly refuses to permit a resident, the resident’s personal
   62  representative at the resident’s request, the resident’s
   63  surrogate, or the resident’s guardian to monitor the room of the
   64  resident in accordance with this section through the use of
   65  electronic monitoring devices commits a second-degree
   66  misdemeanor punishable under s. 775.082 or s. 775.083.
   67         (10) An administrator of a nursing home facility who
   68  knowingly refuses to admit a person to residency in the nursing
   69  home or who knowingly allows the removal of a resident from the
   70  nursing home because of a request to conduct electronic
   71  monitoring under this section commits a second-degree
   72  misdemeanor punishable under s. 775.082 or s. 775.083.
   73         (11)(a) An employee, officer, or other agent of the nursing
   74  home facility who intentionally hampers, obstructs, tampers
   75  with, or destroys an electronic monitoring device installed in a
   76  resident’s room in accordance with this section, or a tape or
   77  recording made by such a device, commits a first-degree
   78  misdemeanor punishable under s. 775.082 or s. 775.083.
   79         (b) It is a defense to prosecution under this subsection
   80  that the employee, officer, or other agent took the action with
   81  the consent of the resident on whose behalf the electronic
   82  monitoring device was installed, the resident’s personal
   83  representative at the request of the resident, the resident’s
   84  surrogate, or the resident’s guardian.
   85         (c) Before an employee, officer, or other agent of the
   86  nursing home facility intentionally hampers, obstructs, tampers
   87  with, or destroys an electronic monitoring device installed in a
   88  resident’s room in accordance with this section, or a tape or
   89  recording made by such a device, written consent must be
   90  obtained from the resident, the resident’s personal
   91  representative, the resident’s surrogate, or the resident’s
   92  guardian on a form provided by the agency. Such consent and form
   93  must be signed by the resident or the person representing the
   94  resident who made the request and one other witness.
   95         (12) A licensee who operates a nursing home in violation of
   96  this section is subject to a fine of up to $500 per violation
   97  per day, pursuant to s. 400.102.
   99  ================= T I T L E  A M E N D M E N T ================
  100         And the title is amended as follows:
  101         Delete line 18
  102  and insert:
  103         definitions; creating s. 400.1757, F.S.; defining the
  104         term “electronic monitoring device”; requiring the
  105         nursing home to allow electronic monitoring devices if
  106         requested by a resident, the resident’s
  107         representative, surrogate, or guardian; providing
  108         requirements; requiring a nursing home to inform a
  109         resident, the resident’s representative, surrogate, or
  110         guardian of the right to conduct electronic
  111         monitoring; providing penalties for refusing to allow
  112         or for tampering with such devices; providing an
  113         effective date.