Florida Senate - 2011 SENATOR AMENDMENT
Bill No. CS for SB 1736
Barcode 722936
Senate . House
Floor: 1A/AD/2R .
05/06/2011 06:21 PM .
Senator Bennett moved the following:
1 Senate Amendment to Amendment (106136) (with title
2 amendment)
4 Delete lines 16 - 23
5 and insert:
6 Section 2. Paragraph (f) of subsection (5) and paragraph
7 (c) of subsection (7) of section 112.0455, Florida Statutes, are
8 amended, paragraphs (f) through (k) of subsection (10) of that
9 section are redesignated as paragraphs (e) through (j),
10 respectively, paragraph (e) of subsection (12) of that section
11 is redesignated as paragraph (d), and present paragraph (e) of
12 subsection (10), present paragraph (d) of subsection (12), and
13 paragraph (e) of subsection (14) of that section are amended to
14 read:
15 112.0455 Drug-Free Workplace Act.—
16 (5) DEFINITIONS.—Except where the context otherwise
17 requires, as used in this act:
18 (f) “Job applicant” means a person who has applied for a
19 special risk or safety-sensitive position with an employer and
20 has been offered employment conditioned upon successfully
21 passing a drug test.
22 (7) TYPES OF TESTING.—An employer is authorized, but not
23 required, to conduct the following types of drug tests:
24 (c) Routine fitness for duty.—An employer may require an
25 employee to submit to a drug test if the test is scheduled
26 routinely for all members of an employment classification or
27 group, or a randomly selected percentage of members of that
28 classification or group, or is conducted as part of a routinely
29 scheduled employee fitness-for-duty medical examination that is
30 part of the employer’s established policy or that is scheduled
31 routinely for all members of an employment classification or
32 group.
34 ================= T I T L E A M E N D M E N T ================
35 And the title is amended as follows:
36 Delete line 3882
37 and insert:
38 Drug-Free Workplace Act; redefining the term “job
39 applicant”; providing for certain events at which an
40 employer may require the employee to submit to a blood
41 test; deleting an obsolete