Florida Senate - 2011 COMMITTEE AMENDMENT Bill No. SB 1736 Barcode 731102 LEGISLATIVE ACTION Senate . House Comm: RCS . 03/22/2011 . . . . ————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— ————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— The Committee on Health Regulation (Latvala) recommended the following: 1 Senate Amendment (with title amendment) 2 3 Delete lines 2882 - 2908 4 and insert: 5 Section 70. Paragraphs (i) and (j) of subsection (1) and 6 subsection (3) of section 429.41, Florida Statutes, are amended, 7 and present subsections (4) and (5) of that section are 8 renumbered subsections (3) and (4), respectively, to read: 9 429.41 Rules establishing standards.— 10 (1) It is the intent of the Legislature that rules 11 published and enforced pursuant to this section shall include 12 criteria by which a reasonable and consistent quality of 13 resident care and quality of life may be ensured and the results 14 of such resident care may be demonstrated. Such rules shall also 15 ensure a safe and sanitary environment that is residential and 16 noninstitutional in design or nature. It is further intended 17 that reasonable efforts be made to accommodate the needs and 18 preferences of residents to enhance the quality of life in a 19 facility. The agency, in consultation with the department, may 20 adopt rules to administer the requirements of part II of chapter 21 408. In order to provide safe and sanitary facilities and the 22 highest quality of resident care accommodating the needs and 23 preferences of residents, the department, in consultation with 24 the agency, the Department of Children and Family Services, and 25 the Department of Health, shall adopt rules, policies, and 26 procedures to administer this part, which must include 27 reasonable and fair minimum standards in relation to: 28 (i) Facilities holding ana limited nursing,extended 29 congregate care, or limited mental health license. 30 (j) The establishment of specific criteria to define 31 appropriateness of resident admission and continued residency in 32 a facility holding a standard,limited nursing,extended 33 congregate care, and limited mental health license. 34(3) The department shall submit a copy of proposed rules to35the Speaker of the House of Representatives, the President of36the Senate, and appropriate committees of substance for review37and comment prior to the promulgation thereof. Rules promulgated38by the department shall encourage the development of homelike39facilities which promote the dignity, individuality, personal40strengths, and decisionmaking ability of residents.41 42 ================= T I T L E A M E N D M E N T ================ 43 And the title is amended as follows: 44 Delete line 235 45 and insert: 46 changes made by the act; deleting the requirement for 47 the Department of Elderly Affairs to submit to the 48 Legislature a copy of proposed rules regarding the 49 quality of resident care in an assisted living 50 facility; amending s. 429.53, F.S.;