GENERAL APPROPRIATIONS BILL                          Committee       Amendment
SB2000                                                  BTA              18

Senator(s) Altman moved the following amendment:

Section:                 EXPLANATION:

On Page: 000             Revises proviso language to allocate $5,000,000  
                         from General Revenue Fund to the Florida Council on 
Spec App: 2535AI         Military Base and Mission Support instead of to the 
                         Florida Base Realignment and Closure Task Force 
                         within the Jobs Florida Military Base Protection 
                         economic development program.

NET IMPACT ON:            Total Funds       General Revenue          Trust Funds
    Recurring -                    0                     0                    0 
Non-Recurring -                    0                     0                    0 

                                               Positions & Amount   Positions & Amount
                                                     DELETE         INSERT

        In Section     On Page 000
2535AI     000000  IOE

        In Section     On Page 324

DELETE the proviso immediately following Specific Appropriation 2535AI 
that reads:

From  the  funds  provided  in Specific Appropriation 2535AI, $5,000,000
from  nonrecurring general revenue fund is provided for the Florida Base
Realignment  and  Closure  Task  Force  as created in law.  Jobs Florida
shall contract with the Task Force for expenditure of these funds, which
may  be  used  by  the  Task Force for economic and product research and
development,   joint  planning  with  host  communities  to  accommodate
military  missions  and  to  prevent  base encroachment, advocacy on the
state's  behalf with federal civilian and military officials, assistance
to  school  districts in providing smooth transition of large numbers of
additional   incoming   military-related   students,  job  training  and
placement  for  military spouses in communities with high proportions of
active  duty  military personnel, and promotion of the state to military
and  related  contractors and employers. The Task Force may expend up to
$200,000  of these funds for staffing and administrative expenses of the
Task  Force,  including  travel  and  per  diem  costs of the Task Force
members  not  otherwise  eligible  for state reimbursement. Staff funded
from  these  funds may also be assigned by the Task Force to support the

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Florida  Council  on Military Base and Mission Support as established in
section 288.984, Florida Statutes.

and insert in lieu thereof:

From the funds provided in Specific Appropriation 2535AI, $5,000,000 
from nonrecurring general revenue fund is provided for the Florida 
Council on Military Base and Mission Support for the purpose of carrying 
out its mission as defined in law and in s. 288.984, Florida Statutes. 
The Council may expend up to $200,000 of these funds for staffing and 
administrative expenses of the Council, including travel and per diem 
costs of the Council members not otherwise eligible for state 

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