GENERAL APPROPRIATIONS BILL                          Committee       Amendment
SB2000                                                  BHI              4

Senator(s) Lynn moved the following amendment:

Section: 02              EXPLANATION:

On Page: 030             Adds proviso to require a review of evening and 
                         weekend classroom space utilization at higher 
Spec App:                education institutions and the development of a 
                         revised formula to increase the utilization.

NET IMPACT ON:            Total Funds       General Revenue          Trust Funds
    Recurring -                    0                     0                    0 
Non-Recurring -                    0                     0                    0 

                                               Positions & Amount   Positions & Amount
                                                     DELETE         INSERT

        State Board Of Education  48800000

        In Section 02  On Page 030

At the end of existing proviso language, preceding Specific 
Appropriation 102, INSERT:

From the funds provided in Specific Appropriations 102 through 117 and 
130 through 134, the State Board of Education and Board of Governors 
shall identify the percent of day, evening, and weekend utilization of 
higher education classroom facilites to accurately determine space 
needs.  The State Board of Education and the Board of Governors shall 
review the data and develop recommendations for a revised funding 
formula or potential policy changes to increase the evening and weekend 
utilization of higher education classroom facilities during future 
school terms. These recommendations shall be provided to the chair of 
the Senate Budget Committee, the chair of the House Appropriations 
Committee, and the Executive Office of the Governor on or before January 
15, 2012.

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