Florida Senate - 2011 COMMITTEE AMENDMENT Bill No. SB 322 Barcode 347672 LEGISLATIVE ACTION Senate . House Comm: WD . 04/26/2011 . . . . ————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— ————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— The Committee on Rules (Flores) recommended the following: 1 Senate Amendment (with title amendment) 2 3 Delete lines 176 - 185 4 and insert: 5 Section 2. Lee Memorial Health System, formerly known as 6 the Hospital Board of Directors of Lee County, is authorized and 7 directed to appropriate from funds of Lee Memorial Health System 8 not otherwise appropriated and to draw the following warrants as 9 compensation for the medical malpractice committed against Aaron 10 Edwards and Mitzi Roden: 11 (1) The sum of $13,500,000, payable to the Guardianship of 12 Aaron Edwards; 13 (2) The sum of $1,000,000, payable to Mitzi Roden; and 14 (3) The sum of $500,000, payable to Mark Edwards. 15 16 ================= T I T L E A M E N D M E N T ================ 17 And the title is amended as follows: 18 Delete lines 12 - 120 19 and insert: 20 WHEREAS, Mitzi Roden and Mark Edward’s only child, 21 Aaron Edwards, was born on September 5, 1997, at Lee 22 Memorial Hospital, andWHEREAS, during Mitzi Roden’s 23 pregnancy, Mitzi Roden and Mark Edwards attended 24 childbirth classes through Lee Memorial Health System 25 and learned of the potentially devastating effect that 26 the administration of Pitocin to augment labor may 27 have on a mother and her unborn child when not 28 carefully and competently monitored, andWHEREAS, Mitzi 29 Roden and Mark Edwards communicated directly to Nurse 30 Midwife Patricia Hunsucker of Lee Memorial Health 31 System of their desire to have a natural childbirth, 32 andWHEREAS, Mitzi Roden enjoyed an uneventful full 33 term pregnancy with Aaron Edwards, free from any 34 complications, andWHEREAS, on September 5, 1997, at 35 5:29 a.m., Mitzi Roden, at 41 and 5/7 weeks’ gestation 36 awoke to find that her membranes had ruptured, 37 andWHEREAS, when Mitzi Roden presented to the hospital 38 on the morning of September 5, she was placed on a 39 fetal monitoring machine that confirmed that Aaron 40 Edwards was doing well and in very good condition, 41 andWHEREAS, Mitzi Roden tolerated well a period of 42 labor from 9 a.m. until 12:30 p.m., but failed to 43 progress in her labor to the point of being in active 44 labor. At that time, Nurse Midwife Patricia Hunsucker 45 informed Mitzi Roden and Mark Edwards that she would 46 administer Pitocin to Mitzi in an attempt to speed up 47 the labor, but both Mitzi Roden and Mark Edwards 48 strenuously objected to the administration of Pitocin 49 because of their knowledge about the potentially 50 devastating effects it can have on a mother and child, 51 including fetal distress and even death. Mitzi Roden 52 and Mark Edwards informed Nurse Midwife Patricia 53 Hunsucker that they would rather undergo a cesarean 54 section than be administered Pitocin, but in spite of 55 their objections, Nurse Midwife Patricia Hunsucker 56 ordered that a Pitocin drip be administered to Mitzi 57 Roden at an initial does of 3 milliunits, to be 58 increased by 3 milliunits every 30 minutes, 59 andWHEREAS, there was universal agreement by the 60 experts called to testify at the trial in this matter 61 that the administration of Pitocin over the express 62 objections of Mitzi Roden and Mark Edwards was a 63 violation of the standard of care, andWHEREAS, for 64 several hours during the afternoon of September 5, 65 1997, the dosage of Pitocin was consistently increased 66 and Mitzi Roden began to experience contractions 67 closer than every 2 minutes at 4:50 p.m., and began to 68 experience excessive uterine contractility shortly 69 before 6 p.m., which should have been recognized by 70 any reasonably competent obstetric care provider, 71 andWHEREAS, in spite of Mitzi Roden’s excessive 72 uterine contractility, the administration of Pitocin 73 was inappropriately increased to 13 milliunits at 6:20 74 p.m. by Labor and Delivery Nurse Beth Jencks, which 75 was a deviation from the acceptable standard of care 76 for obstetric health care providers because, in fact, 77 it should have been discontinued, andWHEREAS, 78 reasonable obstetric care required that Dr. Duvall, 79 the obstetrician who was ultimately responsible for 80 Mitzi Roden’s labor and delivery, be notified of Mitzi 81 Roden’s excessive uterine contractility and that she 82 was not adequately progressing in her labor, but the 83 health care providers overseeing Mitzi Roden’s labor 84 unreasonably failed to do so, andWHEREAS, in spite of 85 Mitzi Roden’s excessive uterine contractility, the 86 administration of Pitocin was increased to 14 87 milliunits at 7:15 p.m., when reasonable obstetric 88 practices required that it be discontinued, and a 89 knowledgeable obstetric care provider should have 90 known that the continued use of Pitocin in the face of 91 excessive uterine contractility posed an unreasonable 92 risk to both Mitzi Roden and Aaron Edwards, 93 andWHEREAS, Lee Memorial’s own obstetrical expert, 94 Jeffrey Phelan, M.D., testified that Mitzi Roden 95 experienced a tetanic contraction lasting longer than 96 90 seconds at 8:30 p.m., and Lee Memorial’s own nurse 97 midwife expert, Lynne Dollar, testified that she 98 herself would have discontinued Pitocin at 8:30 p.m., 99 andWHEREAS, at 8:30 p.m., the administration of 100 Pitocin was unreasonably and inappropriately increased 101 to 15 milliunits when reasonable obstetric practices 102 required that it be discontinued, andWHEREAS, at 9 103 p.m., Nurse Midwife Hunsucker visited Mitzi Roden at 104 bedside, but mistakenly believed that the level of 105 Pitocin remained at 9 milliunits, when, in fact, it 106 had been increased to 15 milliunits, and further, she 107 failed to appreciate and correct Mitzi Roden’s 108 excessive uterine contractility, andWHEREAS, Lynne 109 Dollar acknowledged that it is below the standard of 110 care for Nurse Midwife Patricia Hunsucker to not know 111 the correct level of Pitocin being administered to her 112 patient, Mitzi Roden, andWHEREAS, at 9:30 p.m., the 113 administration of Pitocin was again unreasonably and 114 inappropriately increased to 16 milliunits, when 115 reasonable obstetric practice required that it be 116 discontinued in light of Mitzi Roden’s excessive 117 uterine contractility and intrauterine pressure, 118 andWHEREAS, as 9:40 p.m., Aaron Edwards could no 119 longer compensate for the increasingly intense periods 120 of hypercontractility and excessive intrauterine 121 pressure brought on by the overuse and poor management 122 of Pitocin administration, and suffered a reasonably 123 foreseeable and predictable severe episode of 124 bradycardia, where his heart rate plummeted to life 125 endangering levels, which necessitated an emergency 126 cesarean section. Not until Aaron Edwards’ heart rate 127 crashed at 9:40 p.m. did Nurse Midwife Patricia 128 Hunsucker consult with her supervising obstetrician, 129 Diana Devall, M.D., having not discussed with Dr. 130 Devall her care and treatment of Mitzi Roden’s labor 131 since 12:30 p.m. Because Dr. Devall had not been kept 132 informed about the status of Mitzi Roden’s labor, she 133 was not on the hospital grounds at the time Aaron 134 Edwards’ heart rated crashed, and another obstetrician 135 who was unfamiliar with Mitzi Roden’s labor performed 136 the emergency cesarean section to save Aaron Edwards’ 137 life, and