1 | A bill to be entitled |
2 | An act relating to contracts with personnel hired by a |
3 | Florida College System institution board of trustees; |
4 | amending s. 1007.33, F.S.; removing eligibility for |
5 | certain faculty at St. Petersburg College to be awarded |
6 | continuing contracts; amending s. 1012.83, F.S.; providing |
7 | definitions; providing criteria for employment of |
8 | personnel newly hired on or after July 1, 2011, by a |
9 | Florida College System institution board of trustees; |
10 | providing requirements for probationary and annual |
11 | contracts for administrative, instructional, or |
12 | educational support personnel; prohibiting the award of |
13 | tenure, a multiyear contract, or a continuing contract; |
14 | providing an exception; providing requirements relating to |
15 | dismissal and retention of employees; requiring adoption |
16 | of a performance evaluation policy; amending s. 1012.855, |
17 | F.S.; removing a reference to State Board of Education |
18 | rules regarding tenure; repealing State Board of Education |
19 | rules relating to certain contracts, including multiyear |
20 | and continuing contracts; revoking and prohibiting certain |
21 | policies, practices, and procedures of a Florida College |
22 | System institution; providing an effective date. |
23 |
24 | Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida: |
25 |
26 | Section 1. Subsection (4) of section 1007.33, Florida |
27 | Statutes, is amended to read: |
28 | 1007.33 Site-determined baccalaureate degree access.- |
29 | (4) A Florida college may: |
30 | (a) Offer specified baccalaureate degree programs through |
31 | formal agreements between the Florida college and other |
32 | regionally accredited postsecondary educational institutions |
33 | pursuant to s. 1007.22. |
34 | (b) Offer baccalaureate degree programs that were |
35 | authorized by law prior to July 1, 2009. |
36 | (c) Beginning July 1, 2009, establish a first or |
37 | subsequent baccalaureate degree program for purposes of meeting |
38 | district, regional, or statewide workforce needs if approved by |
39 | the State Board of Education under this section. |
40 |
41 | Beginning July 1, 2009, the Board of Trustees of the St. |
42 | Petersburg College is authorized to establish one or more |
43 | bachelor of applied science degree programs based on an analysis |
44 | of workforce needs in Pinellas, Pasco, and Hernando Counties and |
45 | other counties approved by the Department of Education. For each |
46 | program selected, St. Petersburg College must offer a related |
47 | associate in science or associate in applied science degree |
48 | program, and the baccalaureate degree level program must be |
49 | designed to articulate fully with at least one associate in |
50 | science degree program. The college is encouraged to develop |
51 | articulation agreements for enrollment of graduates of related |
52 | associate in applied science degree programs. The Board of |
53 | Trustees of the St. Petersburg College is authorized to |
54 | establish additional baccalaureate degree programs if it |
55 | determines a program is warranted and feasible based on each of |
56 | the factors in paragraph (5)(d). Prior to developing or |
57 | proposing a new baccalaureate degree program, St. Petersburg |
58 | College shall engage in need, demand, and impact discussions |
59 | with the state university in its service district and other |
60 | local and regional, accredited postsecondary providers in its |
61 | region. Documentation, data, and other information from inter- |
62 | institutional discussions regarding program need, demand, and |
63 | impact shall be provided to the college's board of trustees to |
64 | inform the program approval process. Employment at St. |
65 | Petersburg College is governed by the same laws that govern |
66 | community colleges, except that upper-division faculty are |
67 | eligible for continuing contracts upon the completion of the |
68 | fifth year of teaching. Employee records for all personnel shall |
69 | be maintained as required by s. 1012.81. |
70 | Section 2. Section 1012.83, Florida Statutes, is amended |
71 | to read: |
72 | 1012.83 Contracts with personnel hired by a Florida |
73 | College System institution board of trustees administrative and |
74 | instructional staff.- |
75 | (1) DEFINITIONS.-The term: |
76 | (a) "Administrative personnel" includes, but is not |
77 | limited to, an employee who performs management activities such |
78 | as developing broad policies for a Florida College System |
79 | institution and executing those policies through the direction |
80 | of personnel at all levels within the institution. In addition, |
81 | the term "administrative personnel" includes an employee who has |
82 | been assigned the responsibilities of systemwide or institution- |
83 | wide functions, including developing, coordinating, or |
84 | administering instructional and noninstructional activities of |
85 | the institution. The term "administrative personnel" does not |
86 | include a Florida College System institution's president. |
87 | (b) "Annual contract" means an employment contract for a |
88 | period of no longer than 365 days which a Florida College System |
89 | institution board of trustees may award or not award without |
90 | cause. |
91 | (c) "Educational support personnel" includes, but is not |
92 | limited to, an employee hired as an education or administrative |
93 | paraprofessional; a member of an operations, maintenance, or |
94 | comparable department; or a secretary or clerical or comparable |
95 | level support employee. |
96 | (d) "Instructional personnel" includes, but is not limited |
97 | to, a teacher, faculty member, professor, or employee who |
98 | provides any direct instructional services to students. In |
99 | addition, the term "instructional personnel" includes an |
100 | employee who provides direct support to students, including, but |
101 | not limited to, an employee responsible for providing media |
102 | services and technology resources; a counselor, adviser, or |
103 | employee performing educational evaluations or placement |
104 | services or similar functions; or an instructional specialist, |
105 | librarian, resource specialist, instructional trainer, or |
106 | adjunct educator. |
107 | (e) "President" means the president of a Florida College |
108 | System institution appointed by the board of trustees pursuant |
109 | to s. 1001.64(19). |
110 | (f) "Probationary contract" means an employment contract |
111 | for a period of no longer than 365 days awarded to |
112 | administrative, instructional, or educational support personnel |
113 | upon initial employment by a Florida College System institution |
114 | board of trustees. Probationary contract employees may be |
115 | dismissed without cause or may resign without breach of |
116 | contract. |
117 | (2) EMPLOYMENT.- |
118 | (a) Notwithstanding any other provision of law to the |
119 | contrary, all personnel newly hired on or after July 1, 2011, by |
120 | a Florida College System institution board of trustees shall be |
121 | classified as administrative, instructional, or educational |
122 | support personnel and shall be awarded a probationary contract. |
123 | A Florida College System institution board of trustees may not |
124 | award a probationary contract more than once to the same |
125 | employee unless the employee was rehired after a break in |
126 | service for which an authorized leave of absence was not granted |
127 | by the board of trustees. A probationary contract shall be |
128 | awarded regardless of previous employment in another Florida |
129 | College System institution or state. Upon successful completion |
130 | of a probationary contract, the board of trustees may award an |
131 | annual contract pursuant to paragraph (c). |
132 | (b) An annual contract may be awarded pursuant to |
133 | paragraph (c) to newly hired administrative, instructional, or |
134 | educational support personnel who have successfully completed a |
135 | probationary contract or have received one or more annual |
136 | contracts from a Florida College System institution board of |
137 | trustees. |
138 | (c) An annual contract may be awarded only if: |
139 | 1. A Florida College System institution president |
140 | recommends employment to the board of trustees based upon the |
141 | individual's effective performance, educational and experiential |
142 | qualifications, and capacity to meet the educational needs of |
143 | the institution and the community; and |
144 | 2. The board of trustees approves the recommendation of |
145 | the president in accordance with policies and procedures adopted |
146 | by the Florida College System institution. |
147 | (d)1. Notwithstanding any other provision of law to the |
148 | contrary, on or after July 1, 2011, no personnel may be awarded |
149 | tenure, a multiyear contract, or a continuing contract, except |
150 | the president. |
151 | 2. Tenure, a multiyear contract, or a continuing contract |
152 | in effect prior to July 1, 2011, may not be renewed, extended, |
153 | or readopted. Personnel without an annual contract are eligible |
154 | to be awarded an annual contract pursuant to paragraph (c). |
155 | 3. Personnel under a probationary contract as of July 1, |
156 | 2011, are eligible for an annual contract under paragraph (c). |
157 | 4. Personnel who have obtained permanent or classified |
158 | status as of July 1, 2011, may be awarded an annual contract |
159 | under paragraph (c) on their employment anniversary date. |
160 | (e) A contract does not create an expectancy of employment |
161 | beyond the term of the contract. Nonrenewal of a contract does |
162 | not entitle the employee to an explanation or statement of the |
163 | reasons for nonrenewal or to a hearing. |
164 | (f) A Florida College System institution board of trustees |
165 | may dismiss an employee who has been awarded an annual contract, |
166 | or who holds tenure, a multiyear contract, or a continuing |
167 | contract, during the term of the contract based upon the |
168 | recommendation of the Florida College System institution |
169 | president. The recommendation of the president may be based upon |
170 | the factors enumerated in s. 1012.335(5), as defined in the |
171 | State Board of Education rule, or the policies adopted by the |
172 | board of trustees, or both. The president shall notify the |
173 | employee in writing of the recommendation, and the board of |
174 | trustees shall afford the employee the right to a hearing in |
175 | accordance with the policies and procedures adopted by the board |
176 | of trustees. |
177 | (g) If workforce reduction is needed, a Florida College |
178 | System institution board of trustees must retain employees based |
179 | upon educational and programmatic needs and the performance of |
180 | employees within the affected program areas. Within the program |
181 | areas requiring reduction, the employee with the lowest |
182 | performance must be the first to be released; the employee with |
183 | the next lowest performance must be the second to be released; |
184 | and reductions shall continue in like manner until the needed |
185 | number of reductions has occurred. A Florida College System |
186 | institution board of trustees must adopt a performance |
187 | evaluation policy that sets forth the criteria and process for |
188 | evaluating performance and must make the policy readily |
189 | available and accessible to all employees. A Florida College |
190 | System institution board of trustees may not prioritize |
191 | retention of employees based upon seniority or the type of |
192 | contract an employee holds. |
193 | (1) Each person employed in an administrative or |
194 | instructional capacity in a community college shall be entitled |
195 | to a contract as provided by rules of the State Board of |
196 | Education. |
197 | (3)(2) CONTRACT RESTRICTION.-A community college board of |
198 | trustees may not enter into an employment contract that requires |
199 | the community college to pay an employee an amount from |
200 | appropriated state funds in excess of 1 year of the employee's |
201 | annual salary for termination, buyout, or any other type of |
202 | contract settlement. This subsection does not prohibit the |
203 | payment of leave and benefits accrued by the employee in |
204 | accordance with the community college's leave and benefits |
205 | policies before the contract terminates. |
206 | Section 3. Paragraph (a) of subsection (1) of section |
207 | 1012.855, Florida Statutes, is amended to read: |
208 | 1012.855 Employment of community college personnel; |
209 | discrimination in granting salary prohibited.- |
210 | (1)(a) Employment of all personnel in each community |
211 | college shall be upon recommendation of the Florida College |
212 | System institution president, subject to approval rejection for |
213 | cause by the community college board of trustees; to the rules |
214 | of the State Board of Education relative to certification, |
215 | tenure, leaves of absence of all types, including sabbaticals, |
216 | remuneration, and such other conditions of employment as the |
217 | State Board of Education deems necessary and proper; and to |
218 | policies of the community college board of trustees not |
219 | inconsistent with law. |
220 | Section 4. All rules implementing s. 1012.83(1), Florida |
221 | Statutes 2010, including Rules 6A-14.041 and 6A-14.0411, Florida |
222 | Administrative Code, adopted prior to July 1, 2011, shall stand |
223 | repealed. All policies adopted by a Florida College System |
224 | institution board of trustees and all policies, practices, and |
225 | procedures followed by a Florida College System institution |
226 | which are contrary to or inconsistent with this act are revoked |
227 | and prohibited. |
228 | Section 5. This act shall take effect July 1, 2011. |