Florida Senate - 2011 COMMITTEE AMENDMENT
Bill No. SB 740
Barcode 775570
Senate . House
Comm: RCS .
03/09/2011 .
The Committee on Transportation (Evers) recommended the
1 Senate Amendment (with title amendment)
3 Delete everything after the enacting clause
4 and insert:
5 Section 1. Subsection (14) of section 320.60, Florida
6 Statutes, is amended to read:
7 320.60 Definitions for ss. 320.61-320.70.—Whenever used in
8 ss. 320.61-320.70, unless the context otherwise requires, the
9 following words and terms have the following meanings:
10 (14) “Line-make vehicles” are those motor vehicles which
11 are offered for sale, lease, or distribution under a common
12 name, trademark, service mark, or brand name of the manufacturer
13 of same. However, motor vehicles sold or leased under multiple
14 brand names or marks shall constitute a single line-make when
15 (a) they are included in a single franchise agreement; and (b)
16 every motor vehicle dealer in this state authorized to sell or
17 lease any such vehicles has been offered the right to sell or
18 lease all of the multiple brand names or marks covered by the
19 single franchise agreement. Except, such multiple brand names or
20 marks shall be considered individual franchises for purposes of
21 s. 320.64(36).
22 Section 2. Section 320.6992, Florida Statutes, is amended
23 to read:
24 320.6992 Application.—Sections 320.60-320.70, including
25 amendments to ss. 320.60-320.70, This act shall apply to all
26 presently existing or hereafter established systems of
27 distribution of motor vehicles in this state, except to the
28 extent that such application would impair valid contractual
29 agreements in violation of the State Constitution or Federal
30 Constitution. Sections 320.60-320.70,do The provisions of this
31 act shall not apply to any judicial or administrative proceeding
32 pending as of October 1, 1988. All agreements renewed, amended,
33 or entered into subsequent to October 1, 1988, shall be governed
34 by ss. 320.60-320.70, including any amendments to ss. 320.60
35 320.70, which have been or may be from time to time adopted
36 unless the amendment specifically provides otherwise, except to
37 the extent that such application would impair valid contractual
38 agreements in violation of the State Constitution or Federal
39 Constitution hereby.
41 ================= T I T L E A M E N D M E N T ================
42 And the title is amended as follows:
43 Delete everything before the enacting clause
44 and insert:
45 A bill to be entitled
46 An act relating to motor vehicle licenses; amending s.
47 320.60, F.S.; revising the term "line-make vehicles;
48 amending s. 320.6992, F.S.; revising application of
49 provisions relating to franchise agreements; providing
50 an effective date.