Florida Senate - 2011 SB 740
By Senator Negron
28-00661B-11 2011740__
1 A bill to be entitled
2 An act relating to motor vehicle licenses; amending s.
3 320.6992, F.S.; revising application of provisions
4 relating to franchise agreements; providing an
5 effective date.
7 Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida:
9 Section 1. Section 320.6992, Florida Statutes, is amended
10 to read:
11 320.6992 Application.—Sections 320.60-320.70, including any
12 amendments to ss. 320.60-320.70, This act shall apply to all
13 presently existing or hereafter established systems of
14 distribution of motor vehicles in this state, except to the
15 extent that such application would impair valid contractual
16 agreements in violation of the State Constitution or Federal
17 Constitution. Sections 320.60-320.70 do The provisions of this
18 act shall not apply to any judicial or administrative proceeding
19 pending as of October 1, 1988. All agreements renewed, amended,
20 or entered into subsequent to October 1, 1988, shall be governed
21 by ss. 320.60-320.70, including any amendments to ss. 320.60
22 320.70 which have been or may be from time to time adopted
23 unless the amendment specifically provides otherwise hereby.
24 Section 2. This act shall take effect July 1, 2011.