Bill No. HB 767
Amendment No. 300099
Senate House

1Representative Fresen offered the following:
3     Amendment (with title amendment)
4     Between lines 48 and 49, insert:
5     Section 2.  Subsection (1) of section 170.201, Florida
6Statutes, is amended to read:
7     170.201  Special assessments.-
8     (1)  In addition to other lawful authority to levy and
9collect special assessments, the governing body of a
10municipality may levy and collect special assessments to fund
11capital improvements and municipal services, including, but not
12limited to, fire protection, emergency medical services, garbage
13disposal, sewer improvement, street improvement, and parking
14facilities. The governing body of a municipality having a
15population of fewer than 100 for the previous year's taxing year
16may levy and collect special assessments to fund special
17security and crime prevention services and facilities, including
18guard and gatehouse facilities for the current taxing year.
19However, if prior to the levy of the assessment, the cost of
20such services and facilities are funded by ad valorem taxes, the
21taxes shall be abated annually thereafter, in an amount equal to
22the full amount of the special assessment. The governing body of
23a municipality may apportion costs of such special assessments
24based on:
25     (a)  The front or square footage of each parcel of land; or
26     (b)  An alternative methodology, so long as the amount of
27the assessment for each parcel of land is not in excess of the
28proportional benefits as compared to other assessments on other
29parcels of land.
T I T L E  A M E N D M E N T
34     Remove line 5 and insert:
35period; amending s. 170.201, F.S.; authorizing certain
36municipalities to levy and collect special assessments to
37fund special security and crime prevention services and
38facilities; amending s. 337.29, F.S.; authorizing
39transfers of

CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions.