1 | A bill to be entitled |
2 | An act for the relief of Denise Gordon Brown and David |
3 | Brown by the North Broward Hospital District; providing |
4 | for an appropriation to compensate Denise Gordon Brown and |
5 | David Brown, parents of Darian Brown, for injuries and |
6 | damages sustained by Darian Brown as result of the |
7 | negligence of Broward General Medical Center; providing a |
8 | limitation on the payment of fees and costs; providing an |
9 | effective date. |
10 |
11 | WHEREAS, on January 10, 2000, Denise Gordon Brown was |
12 | admitted as a high-risk obstetrical patient at Broward General |
13 | Medical Center in Fort Lauderdale, Florida, and |
14 | WHEREAS, Denise Gordon Brown's physicians at Broward |
15 | General Medical Center ordered continuous fetal monitoring, and |
16 | WHEREAS, on the evening of January 14, 2000, the fetal |
17 | monitoring showed significant risk to the fetus, and |
18 | WHEREAS, on January 15, 2000, the monitoring indicated |
19 | continued fetal tachycardia and loss of reactivity, |
20 | necessitating immediate delivery, and |
21 | WHEREAS, Denise Gordon Brown's unborn child, Darian Brown, |
22 | was not delivered immediately and sustained a hypoxic brain |
23 | injury as a result of the delay, and |
24 | WHEREAS, Denise Gordon Brown and David Brown, the parents |
25 | of Darian Brown, sought medical care and treatment that |
26 | determined that Darian Brown's condition is permanent, has |
27 | resulted in severe neurological damage, and requires a lifetime |
28 | of round-the-clock care and treatment, and |
29 | WHEREAS, after a trial, a jury returned a verdict in favor |
30 | of Denise Gordon Brown and David Brown, as parents and guardians |
31 | of Darian Brown, in the amount of $35,236,000, for the cost of |
32 | care for Darian Brown, resulting in a final judgment, less |
33 | setoffs and costs, in the amount of $34,418,577, and |
34 | WHEREAS, the jury's verdict was affirmed on appeal, and |
35 | WHEREAS, pursuant to an agreement between the parties to |
36 | the lawsuit, the judgment has been partially satisfied in the |
37 | amount of $10,550,000, and |
38 | WHEREAS, pursuant to the agreement, the claim shall be |
39 | considered fully satisfied by the stipulation that the North |
40 | Broward Hospital District will seek its self-insured retention |
41 | in the amount of $2 million as authorized by the Florida |
42 | Legislature through a claim bill, NOW, THEREFORE, |
43 |
44 | Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida: |
45 |
46 | Section 1. The facts stated in the preamble to this act |
47 | are found and declared to be true. |
48 | Section 2. The sum of $2 million is appropriated out of |
49 | funds not otherwise encumbered for payment by the North Broward |
50 | Hospital District for the relief of Denise Gordon Brown and |
51 | David Brown, as guardians of Darian Brown, for injuries and |
52 | damages sustained by Darian Brown due to the negligence of |
53 | Broward General Medical Center. |
54 | Section 3. A warrant shall be drawn in favor of Denise |
55 | Gordon Brown and David Brown, as guardians of Darian Brown, in |
56 | the amount of $2 million. |
57 | Section 4. The amount paid pursuant to s. 768.28, Florida |
58 | Statutes, and the amount awarded under this act are intended to |
59 | provide the sole compensation for all present and future claims |
60 | arising out of the factual situation described in this act which |
61 | resulted in injuries sustained by Darian Brown. The total amount |
62 | paid for attorney's fees, lobbying fees, costs, and other |
63 | similar expenses relating to this claim may not exceed 25 |
64 | percent of the total amount awarded under this act. |
65 | Section 5. This act shall take effect upon becoming a law. |