1 | Representative Precourt offered the following: |
2 |
3 | Amendment to Amendment (301821) |
4 | Remove lines 16-24 and insert: |
5 | not exceed $10 million. No credit may be approved after October |
6 | 1, 2017. |
7 | 2. A certified spaceflight business may transfer, in whole |
8 | or in part, its Florida net operating loss that would otherwise |
9 | be available to be taken on a return filed under this chapter. |
10 | The maximum transferable tax credit amount that may be approved |
11 | per taxpayer for a taxable year is $2.5 million; the total tax |
12 | credits that may be approved pursuant to this subparagraph may |
13 | not exceed $25 million. No credit may be approved after October |