Florida Senate - 2012 COMMITTEE AMENDMENT Bill No. SB 1646 Barcode 909684 LEGISLATIVE ACTION Senate . House Comm: RCS . 02/28/2012 . . . . ————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— ————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— The Committee on Budget Subcommittee on Health and Human Services Appropriations (Garcia) recommended the following: 1 Senate Substitute for Amendment (544742) (with title 2 amendment) 3 4 Between lines 55 and 56 5 insert: 6 Section 2. (1) The Legislature finds that Florida must 7 expand its graduate medical education to meet the medical needs 8 of its residents. The Association of American Medical Colleges 9 ranked Florida 43rd nationally in numbers of medical residents 10 per 100,000 population. Approximately 2,700 additional medical 11 residency positions are required in this state simply to meet 12 the national average per population. In accordance with these 13 findings, the Agency for Health Care Administration shall 14 establish a demonstration project by allowing prepaid managed 15 care organizations providing behavioral health services to 16 patients in Miami-Dade County to fund a residency program 17 sponsored by Florida International University and administered 18 by a federally qualified health center. 19 (2) The Agency for Health Care Administration shall 20 authorize managed care organizations providing behavioral health 21 services directly or indirectly to Medicaid patients in Miami 22 Dade County to allocate up to 1 percent of the medical loss 23 ratio to fund a new psychiatric graduate medical education 24 program located at a federally qualified health center and 25 sponsored by Florida International University Wertheim College 26 of Medicine. The university shall select a federally qualified 27 health center that has a large general psychiatric practice with 28 the capacity to implement a new psychiatry residency program and 29 a demonstrated commitment to establishing a new psychiatry 30 residency program. 31 (3) Payments pursuant to this section shall be made to 32 Florida International University for the design, development, 33 and operation of the psychiatric residency program and are 34 deemed to be payments for behavioral health services and not 35 administrative services. Any managed care organization 36 allocating funds under this section must enter into an agreement 37 with Florida International University making provision for 38 recurring annual payments to Florida International University of 39 up to 1 percent of the medical loss ratio for behavioral health 40 services provided to Medicaid patients in Miami-Dade County to 41 support the psychiatry residency program. 42 (4) Each January 1, beginning in 2014 and for the duration 43 of the demonstration project, the agency shall submit to the 44 Governor, the President of the Senate, and the Speaker of the 45 House of Representatives an annual report on the success and 46 outcomes achieved by the demonstration project, which must 47 include a recommendation as to whether the demonstration project 48 should be continued, terminated, or expanded. 49 50 ================= T I T L E A M E N D M E N T ================ 51 And the title is amended as follows: 52 Delete lines 3 - 5 53 and insert: 54 An act relating to Medicaid; amending s. 409.905, 55 F.S.; revising the date for adjusting hospital 56 inpatient rates; requiring that the Agency for Health 57 Care Administration create a demonstration project to 58 address funding issues related to the Medicaid 59 program’s share of medical residency training 60 expenditures; providing for a federally qualified 61 health center to establish a graduate medical 62 education program in Miami-Dade County through Florida 63 International University; providing requirements for 64 the agreement between the university and managed care 65 organizations allocating funds for the project; 66 requiring that the Agency for Health Care 67 Administration provide an annual report to the 68 Governor and Legislature; providing an effective date.