Florida Senate - 2012 Committee Amendment
SB7050 BJA 19SA
The Committee on Budget (Montford) recommended the following SUBSTITUTE
AMENDMENT for 19 (995013):
Section: 04 EXPLANATION:
On Page: 102 This amendment restores positions and $10,230,340 in
recurring funds for the Jefferson Correctional
Spec App: 651 Institution and requires an economic impact study by
July 1, 2012.
NET IMPACT ON: Total Funds General Revenue Trust Funds
Recurring - 0 0 0
Non-Recurring - 0 0 0
Positions & Amount Positions & Amount
Program: Security And Institutional
Adult Male Custody Operations 70031100
In Section 04 On Page 102
651 Salaries And Benefits 010000 IOEA
Positions: 7,794 7,917
1000 From General Revenue Fund 321,996,590 317,505,711
CA -4,490,879 FSI1 -4,490,879
652 Other Personal Services 030000 IOEA
1000 From General Revenue Fund 4,058,429 4,096,611
CA 38,182 FSI1 38,182
653 Expenses 040000 IOEA
1000 From General Revenue Fund 19,406,379 19,487,371
CA 80,992 FSI1 80,992
Program: Education And Programs
Adult Offender Transition, Rehabilitation
And Support 70450300
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In Section 04 On Page 115
809 Salaries And Benefits 010000 IOEA
Positions: 55 56
1000 From General Revenue Fund 3,710,481 3,755,789
CA 45,308 FSI1 45,308
811 Expenses 040000 IOEA
1000 From General Revenue Fund 504,385 505,246
CA 861 FSI1 861
Program: Security And Institutional
Offender Management And Control 70031800
In Section 04 On Page 108
734 Salaries And Benefits 010000 IOEA
Positions: 1,235 1,246
1000 From General Revenue Fund 51,075,908 51,667,649
CA 591,741 FSI1 591,741
736 Expenses 040000 IOEA
1000 From General Revenue Fund 2,626,587 2,629,000
CA 2,413 FSI1 2,413
Correctional Facilities Maintenance And
Repair 70032000
In Section 04 On Page 109
750 Salaries And Benefits 010000 IOEA
Positions: 545 552
1000 From General Revenue Fund 20,942,544 21,169,196
CA 226,652 FSI1 226,652
751 Expenses 040000 IOEA
1000 From General Revenue Fund 45,118,332 46,071,764
CA 953,432 FSI1 953,432
Program: Health Services
Inmate Health Services 70251000
In Section 04 On Page 112
778 Salaries And Benefits 010000 IOEA
Positions: 2,690 2,725
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1000 From General Revenue Fund 139,437,709 141,433,736
CA 1,996,027 FSI1 1,996,027
In Section 04 On Page 113
779 Other Personal Services 030000 IOEA
1000 From General Revenue Fund 17,103,036 17,608,307
CA 505,271 FSI1 505,271
Program: Security And Institutional
Adult Male Custody Operations 70031100
In Section 04 On Page 102
661 Special Categories 105235
Private Prison Operations IOEA
1000 From General Revenue Fund 172,773,994 172,773,994
CA 0
Program: Department Administration
Business Service Centers 70010100
In Section 04 On Page 099
627 Special Categories 100777
Contracted Services IOEA
1000 From General Revenue Fund 46,507 96,507
CA 50,000 FSI1 50,000
Executive Direction And Support Services 70010200
633 Expenses 040000 IOEA
Immediately following Specific Appropriation 633, INSERT:
From funds in Specific Appropriations 633, the Department of Corrections
shall secure an economic impact study of the effects on Jefferson County
of closing Jefferson Correctional Institution utilizing a REMI study.
The department will provide the results of the study to the Governor's
Office of Policy and Budget and the chairs of the House Appropriations
Committee and the Senate Budget Committee by July 1, 2012.
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