Florida Senate - 2012 COMMITTEE AMENDMENT
Bill No. SPB 7098
Barcode 743032
Senate . House
Comm: FAV .
02/18/2012 .
The Committee on Budget (Lynn) recommended the following:
1 Senate Amendment (with title amendment)
3 Between lines 600 and 601
4 insert:
5 Section 16. Subsection (6) of section 1007.33, Florida
6 Statutes, is amended to read:
7 1007.33 Site-determined baccalaureate degree access.—
8 (6)(a) Beginning July 1, 2010, and each subsequent July 1,
9 the Division of Florida Colleges may accept and review
10 applications from a Florida College System institution to obtain
11 an exemption from the State Board of Education’s approval for
12 subsequent degrees as required in subsection (5), if the Florida
13 College System institution is accredited by the Commission on
14 Colleges of the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools as
15 a baccalaureate-degree-granting institution and has been
16 offering baccalaureate degree programs for 3 or more years. The
17 division shall develop criteria for determining eligibility for
18 an exemption based upon demonstrated compliance with the
19 requirements for baccalaureate degrees, primary mission, and
20 fiscal, including, but not limited to:
21 1. Obtaining and maintaining appropriate SACS
22 accreditation;
23 2. The maintenance of qualified faculty and institutional
24 resources;
25 3. The maintenance of enrollment projections in previously
26 approved programs;
27 4. The appropriate management of fiscal resources;
28 5. Compliance with the primary mission and responsibility
29 requirements in subsections (2) and (3);
30 6. The timely submission of the institution’s annual
31 performance accountability report; and
32 7. Other indicators of success such as program completers,
33 placements, and surveys of students and employers.
34 (b) If the Florida College System institution has
35 demonstrated satisfactory progress in fulfilling the eligibility
36 criteria in this subsection, the Division of Florida Colleges
37 may recommend to the State Board of Education that the
38 institution be exempt from the requirement in subsection (5) for
39 approval of future baccalaureate degree programs. The State
40 Board of Education shall review the division’s recommendation
41 and determine if an exemption is warranted. If the State Board
42 of Education approves the application, the Florida College
43 System institution is exempt from subsequent program approval
44 under subsection (5) and such authority is delegated to the
45 Florida College System institution board of trustees. If the
46 State Board of Education disapproves of the Florida College
47 System institution’s request for an exemption, the college shall
48 continue to be subject to the State Board of Education’s
49 approval of subsequent baccalaureate degree programs.
50 (a)(c) Prior to developing or proposing a new baccalaureate
51 degree program, all Florida College System institutions,
52 regardless of an exemption from subsection (5), shall:
53 1. Engage in need, demand, and impact discussions with the
54 state university in their service district and other local and
55 regional, accredited postsecondary providers in their region.
56 2. Send documentation, data, and other information from the
57 inter-institutional discussions regarding program need, demand,
58 and impact required in subparagraph 1. to the college’s board of
59 trustees, the Division of Florida Colleges, and the Chancellor
60 of the State University System.
61 3. Base board of trustees approval of the new program upon
62 the documentation, data, and other information required in this
63 paragraph and the factors in subsection (5)(d).
65 The Division of Florida Colleges shall use the documentation,
66 data, and other information required in this subsection,
67 including information from the Chancellor of the State
68 University System, in its compliance review.
69 (b)(d) The board of trustees of a Florida College System
70 institution that is exempt from subsection (5) must submit newly
71 approved programs to the Division of Florida Colleges and SACS
72 within 30 days after approval.
73 (c)(e) Within 30 days after receiving the approved
74 baccalaureate degree program, the Division of Florida Colleges
75 shall conduct a compliance review and notify the college if the
76 proposal meets the criteria for implementation based upon the
77 criteria in paragraphs (5)(d) and (a) (6)(c). If the program
78 fails to meet the criteria for implementation as determined by
79 the Division of Florida Colleges, the college may not proceed
80 with implementation of the program until the State Board of
81 Education reviews the proposal and the compliance materials and
82 gives its final approval of the program.
84 ================= T I T L E A M E N D M E N T ================
85 And the title is amended as follows:
86 Delete line 99
87 and insert:
88 duties of the center; amending s. 1007.33, F.S.;
89 deleting provisions providing a procedure for a
90 Florida College System institution to apply for an
91 exemption from certain requirements for approval of
92 additional baccalaureate degree programs; amending s.
93 1009.215, F.S.;