Florida Senate - 2012 COMMITTEE AMENDMENT
Bill No. CS for SB 842
Barcode 966796
Senate . House
Comm: FAV .
02/02/2012 .
The Committee on Commerce and Tourism (Lynn) recommended the
1 Senate Amendment (with title amendment)
3 Delete lines 119 - 155
4 and insert:
5 Section 3. Subsections (3), (5), and (6) of section 163.3175,
6 Florida Statutes, are amended to read:
7 163.3175 Legislative findings on compatibility of
8 development with military installations; exchange of information
9 between local governments and military installations.—
10 (3) The Florida Defense Support Task Force Council on
11 Military Base and Mission Support may recommend to the
12 Legislature changes to the military installations and local
13 governments specified in subsection (2) based on a military
14 base's potential for impacts from encroachment, and incompatible
15 land uses and development.
16 (5) The commanding officer or his or her designee may
17 provide advisory comments to the affected local government on
18 the impact such proposed changes may have on the mission of the
19 military installation. Such advisory comments shall be based on
20 data and analyses provided with the comments and may include:
21 (a) If the installation has an airfield, whether such
22 proposed changes will be incompatible with the safety and noise
23 standards contained in the Air Installation Compatible Use Zone
24 (AICUZ) adopted by the military installation for that airfield;
25 (b) Whether such changes are incompatible with the
26 Installation Environmental Noise Management Program (IENMP) of
27 the United States Army;
28 (c) Whether such changes are incompatible with the findings
29 of a Joint Land Use Study (JLUS) for the area if one has been
30 completed; and
31 (d) Whether the military installation's mission will be
32 adversely affected by the proposed actions of the county or
33 affected local government.
35 The commanding officer's comments, underlying studies, and
36 reports shall be considered by the local government in the same
37 manner as the comments received from other reviewing agencies
38 pursuant to s. 163.3184 are not binding on the local government.
39 (6) The affected local government shall take into
40 consideration any comments and accompanying data and analyses
41 provided by the commanding officer or his or her designee
42 pursuant to subsection (4) as they relate to the strategic
43 mission of the base, public safety, and the economic vitality
44 associated with the base’s operations, while also respecting and
45 must also be sensitive to private property rights and not being
46 be unduly restrictive on those rights. The affected local
47 government shall forward a copy of any comments regarding
48 comprehensive plan amendments to the state land planning agency.
50 ================= T I T L E A M E N D M E N T ================
51 And the title is amended as follows:
52 Delete line 9
53 and insert:
54 plan; amending s. 163.3175, F.S.; amending provisions
55 related to growth management; requiring comments