Florida Senate - 2013 SENATOR AMENDMENT Bill No. CS for CS for SB 1458 Barcode 189264 LEGISLATIVE ACTION Senate . House . . . Floor: WD/2R . 04/29/2013 03:23 PM . ————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— ————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— Senator Montford moved the following: 1 Senate Amendment (with title amendment) 2 3 Between lines 4942 and 4943 4 insert: 5 Section 79. For the 2013-2014 fiscal year, the sum of 6 $400,000 in recurring funds is appropriated from the General 7 Inspection Trust Fund in the Department of Agriculture and 8 Consumer Services to the Department of Agriculture and Consumer 9 Services’ Oyster Planting appropriation category to implement s. 10 328.76(1)(e), Florida Statutes, as created by this act. 11 Section 80. For the 2013-2014 fiscal year, the sum of 12 $300,000 in recurring funds is appropriated from the Marine 13 Resources Conservation Trust Fund in the Florida Fish and 14 Wildlife Conservation Commission to the Florida Fish and 15 Wildlife Conservation Commission’s Boating Safety Education 16 Program appropriation category to implement s. 328.76(1)(f), 17 Florida Statutes, as created by this act. 18 19 ================= T I T L E A M E N D M E N T ================ 20 And the title is amended as follows: 21 Delete line 336 22 and insert: 23 by the act; providing appropriations; providing an 24 effective date.