GENERAL APPROPRIATIONS BILL                          Committee       Amendment
SB1500                                                  AED              4

Senator(s) Abruzzo moved the following amendment:

Section: 02              EXPLANATION:

On Page: 018             Doubles the teacher salary increase in the Florida 
                         Education Finance Program from $480 million to $960 
Spec App:   87           million.

NET IMPACT ON:            Total Funds       General Revenue          Trust Funds
    Recurring -                    0                     0                    0 
Non-Recurring -                    0                     0                    0 

                                               Positions & Amount   Positions & Amount
                                                     DELETE         INSERT

        Public Schools, Division Of
        Program: State Grants/K-12 Program - FEFP  48250300

        In Section 02  On Page 018
87      Aid To Local Governments  050560
        Grants And Aids - Florida Educational                
        Finance Program  IOEB

Following Specific Appropriation 87, DELETE the following paragraph:

From   the   funds   in   Specific  Appropriation  87,  $480,000,000  is
provided  for  salary increases, plus related benefits for FICA and FRS,
for  all full-time kindergarten through grade 12 instructional personnel
as  defined  in  section  1012.01(2)(a)-(d), Florida Statutes, excluding
substitute   teachers.  In  addition,  funds  are  provided  for  salary
increases  for  all full-time instructional personnel of prekindergarten
exceptional students funded through the FEFP. Each district school board
and  charter school board shall develop and approve a plan for providing
the  salary  increases. The plan shall: (1) ensure that salary increases
for  full-time  classroom  teachers are based on student achievement and
performance  (e.g. FCAT scores, Advanced Placement exam scores, Industry
Certifications,  SAT  and  ACT scores); and (2) identify the performance
metrics  that  will  be  used  for  instructional  personnel who are not
full-time  classroom  teachers.  Each  board  shall vote on the plan and
affirm  that it is based on student performance. A copy of the plan must
be  submitted  to  the Commissioner of Education, and the State Board of
Education  must  confirm  that  the plan is based on student performance

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before  the local boards can distribute the funds to their instructional
personnel.  The  district  may submit its plan as early as possible, and
the  State Board must act on it within 15 days of receipt.   These funds
shall  be used only to provide salary increases and related benefits for
eligible full-time instructional personnel.


From   the   funds   in   Specific  Appropriation  87,  $960,000,000  is
provided  for  salary increases, plus related benefits for FICA and FRS,
for  all full-time kindergarten through grade 12 instructional personnel
as  defined  in  section  1012.01(2)(a)-(d), Florida Statutes, excluding
substitute   teachers.  In  addition,  funds  are  provided  for  salary
increases  for  all full-time instructional personnel of prekindergarten
exceptional students funded through the FEFP. Each district school board
and  charter school board shall develop and approve a plan for providing
the  salary  increases. The plan shall: (1) ensure that salary increases
for  full-time  classroom  teachers are based on student achievement and
performance  (e.g. FCAT scores, Advanced Placement exam scores, Industry
Certifications,  SAT  and  ACT scores); and (2) identify the performance
metrics  that  will  be  used  for  instructional  personnel who are not
full-time  classroom  teachers.  Each  board  shall vote on the plan and
affirm  that it is based on student performance. A copy of the plan must
be  submitted  to  the Commissioner of Education, and the State Board of
Education  must  confirm  that  the plan is based on student performance
before  the local boards can distribute the funds to their instructional
personnel.  The  district  may submit its plan as early as possible, and
the  State Board must act on it within 15 days of receipt.   These funds
shall  be used only to provide salary increases and related benefits for
eligible full-time instructional personnel.

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