Florida Senate - 2013 COMMITTEE AMENDMENT
Bill No. PCS (541922) for CS for SB 1664
Barcode 538520
Senate . House
Comm: RCS .
04/21/2013 .
The Committee on Appropriations (Bean) recommended the
1 Senate Amendment (with directory and title amendments)
3 Between lines 781 and 782
4 insert:
6 COMPETENCE.—Any one of the following criteria is an acceptable
7 means of demonstrating mastery of professional preparation and
8 education competence are:
9 (a) Completion of an approved teacher preparation program
10 at a postsecondary educational institution within this state and
11 achievement of a passing score on the professional education
12 competency examination required by state board rule.;
13 (b) Completion of a teacher preparation program at a
14 postsecondary educational institution outside Florida and
15 achievement of a passing score on the professional education
16 competency examination required by state board rule.;
17 (c) A valid professional standard teaching certificate
18 issued by another state.;
19 (d) A valid certificate issued by the National Board for
20 Professional Teaching Standards or a national educator
21 credentialing board approved by the State Board of Education.;
22 (e) Documentation of two semesters of successful teaching
23 in a Florida College System institution, state university, or
24 private college or university that awards an associate or higher
25 degree and is an accredited institution or an institution of
26 higher education identified by the Department of Education as
27 having a quality program.;
28 (f) Completion of professional preparation courses as
29 specified in state board rule, successful completion of a
30 professional education competence demonstration program pursuant
31 to paragraph (8)(b), and achievement of a passing score on the
32 professional education competency examination required by state
33 board rule.;
34 (g) Successful completion of a professional preparation
35 alternative certification and education competency program,
36 outlined in paragraph (8)(a).; or
37 (h) Successful completion of an alternative certification
38 program pursuant to s. 1004.85 and achievement of a passing
39 score on the professional education competency examination
40 required by rule of the State Board of Education.
41 (i) Successful completion of a professional education
42 training program provided by Teach for America and achievement
43 of a passing score on the professional education competency
44 examination required by rule of the State Board of Education.
46 ====== D I R E C T O R Y C L A U S E A M E N D M E N T ======
47 And the directory clause is amended as follows:
48 Delete line 758
49 and insert:
50 Section 5. Paragraph (c) of subsection (2), subsection (6),
51 subsection (8),
53 ================= T I T L E A M E N D M E N T ================
54 And the title is amended as follows:
55 Delete line 46
56 and insert:
57 Education; revising the acceptable means of
58 demonstrating mastery of professional preparation and
59 education competence; authorizing a school district to
60 provide a