Florida Senate - 2013                          SENATOR AMENDMENT
       Bill No. SB 1852
                                Barcode 543746                          
                              LEGISLATIVE ACTION                        
                    Senate             .             House              
                 Floor: WD/2R          .                                
             04/25/2013 11:21 AM       .                                

       Senator Soto moved the following:
    1         Senate Amendment to Amendment (754392) (with title
    2  amendment)
    4         Delete lines 57 - 152
    5  and insert:
    6         Section 7. (1) The nonrecurring sum of $10 million is
    7  appropriated from the General Revenue Fund to the Department of
    8  Economic Opportunity to provide a grant to Habitat for Humanity
    9  of Florida for the acquisition and rehabilitation or
   10  reconstruction of existing housing stock to provide affordable
   11  housing to low-income applicants. Habitat for Humanity of
   12  Florida may use up to 1 percent of the grant award for direct
   13  administrative costs.
   14         (2) Habitat for Humanity of Florida shall provide
   15  compliance and oversight for the grant award and shall:
   16         (a) Provide to the Department of Economic Opportunity the
   17  name and contact information for the Habitat for Humanity of
   18  Florida compliance officer, to be updated within 10 business
   19  days after any change.
   20         (b) Develop a request for proposals to be released to the
   21  58 Habitat for Humanity of Florida affiliates no later than 60
   22  days after the effective date of this act. The request for
   23  proposals shall be limited to projects that undertake the
   24  acquisition and rehabilitation or reconstruction of existing
   25  housing stock and provide affordable housing to low-income
   26  applicants.
   27         (c) Use the grant award within 2 years, the start date of
   28  which is 30 days after the request for proposals is released to
   29  the 58 Habitat for Humanity of Florida affiliates.
   30         (d) Provide the 58 Habitat for Humanity of Florida
   31  affiliates a minimum of 30 days to respond to the request for
   32  proposals.
   33         (e) Establish a volunteer committee of at least six members
   34  from any of the 58 Habitat for Humanity of Florida affiliates to
   35  evaluate and rank project proposals received and determine
   36  project awards based on that evaluation and ranking.
   37         1. Project awards shall be provided on a cost-reimbursement
   38  basis for work completed and paid for by the Habitat for
   39  Humanity of Florida affiliate for a qualifying home that was
   40  acquired and rehabilitated or reconstructed for a low-income
   41  applicant.
   42         2. The Habitat for Humanity of Florida compliance officer
   43  is responsible for verifying that all project work is completed
   44  and has been paid for by the Habitat for Humanity of Florida
   45  affiliate before a cost reimbursement.
   46         3. A Habitat for Humanity of Florida affiliate may not
   47  receive cost reimbursements in excess of 10 percent of the total
   48  appropriation, except that an affiliate may receive cost
   49  reimbursements in excess of 10 percent during the second year if
   50  the only project proposals remaining are from Habitat for
   51  Humanity of Florida affiliates that have reached the 10-percent
   52  cap.
   53         (f) Provide technical support and assistance for the use of
   54  grant award funds by the Habitat for Humanity of Florida
   55  affiliates, which shall not exceed 2 percent of the grant award.
   56         (g) Submit a quarterly progress report to the Department of
   57  Economic Opportunity within 30 days after the end of each
   58  quarter until all grant award funds have been expended. The
   59  quarterly progress report shall include, but need not be limited
   60  to:
   61         1. Events occurring during the quarter, or anticipated to
   62  occur in the near future, which affect the ability of Habitat
   63  for Humanity of Florida to use the grant award for the intended
   64  purpose pursuant to this section.
   65         2. Action plans for addressing any policy and
   66  administrative issues.
   67         3. Habitat for Humanity of Florida efforts related to
   68  collecting and verifying data.
   69         4. Data collected and verified, such as the number of
   70  existing housing stock acquired and rehabilitated or
   71  reconstructed for the quarter and to date, the number of
   72  requests for proposals received, and income data on applicants
   73  who are using the provided housing.
   74         5. Grant award data disaggregated by recipient and
   75  activity, such as technical support and assistance, direct
   76  administrative costs, housing acquisition, and housing
   77  rehabilitation or reconstruction.
   78         6. Activities related to technical support and assistance.
   79         7. The name of each volunteer committee member and his or
   80  her Habitat for Humanity of Florida affiliate.
   81         8. Progress toward meeting the goal of spending the full
   82  grant award within 2 years, the start date of which is 30 days
   83  after the request for proposals is released to the 58 Habitat
   84  for Humanity of Florida affiliates.
   85         (h) Submit annually by September 1 to the Department of
   86  Economic Opportunity a financial audit performed by an
   87  independent certified public accountant for the most recently
   88  completed fiscal year which establishes that no material
   89  weaknesses or instances of material noncompliance exist.
   90         (3) The Department of Economic Opportunity shall submit a
   91  copy of each financial audit from Habitat for Humanity of
   92  Florida to the President of the Senate and the Speaker of the
   93  House of Representatives within 15 days after its receipt.
   94         (4) Any funds that are not expended or encumbered by June
   95  30, 2015, and any funds that were deemed encumbered on June 30,
   96  2015, and not expended by September 30, 2015, shall be repaid by
   97  Habitat for Humanity of Florida to the Department of Financial
   98  Services for deposit into the State Housing Trust Fund within
   99  the Department of Economic Opportunity. A final audit shall be
  100  submitted to the Department of Economic Opportunity by January
  101  30, 2016, for any expenditures made after June 30, 2015.
  102         Section 8. The nonrecurring sum of $10 million is
  103  appropriated from the General Revenue Fund to the Department of
  104  Economic Opportunity for transfer to the Florida Housing Finance
  105  Corporation for foreclosure counseling programs.
  107  ================= T I T L E  A M E N D M E N T ================
  108         And the title is amended as follows:
  109         Delete line 301
  110  and insert:
  111         Finance Corporation to provide funding for foreclosure
  112         counseling programs; providing an appropriation from
  113         the General Revenue Fund to the Florida Housing
  114         Finance Corporation to provide funding to reduce rents