Florida Senate - 2013 COMMITTEE AMENDMENT Bill No. SB 406 Barcode 881456 LEGISLATIVE ACTION Senate . House Comm: RCS . 03/15/2013 . . . . ————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— ————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— Appropriations Subcommittee on Transportation, Tourism, and Economic Development (Gardiner) recommended the following: 1 Senate Amendment (with title amendment) 2 3 Delete lines 134 - 264 4 and insert: 5 Section 1. Economic Development Programs Evaluation.—The 6 Office of Economic and Demographic Research and the Office of 7 Program Policy Analysis and Government Accountability (OPPAGA) 8 shall develop and present to the Governor, the President of the 9 Senate, the Speaker of the House of Representatives, and the 10 chairs of the legislative appropriations committees the Economic 11 Development Programs Evaluation. 12 (1) The Office of Economic and Demographic Research and 13 OPPAGA shall coordinate the development of a work plan for 14 completing the Economic Development Programs Evaluation and 15 shall submit the work plan to the President of the Senate and 16 the Speaker of the House of Representatives by July 1, 2013. 17 (2) The Office of Economic and Demographic Research and 18 OPPAGA shall provide a detailed analysis of economic development 19 programs as provided in the following schedule: 20 (a) By January 1, 2014, and every 3 years thereafter, an 21 analysis of the following: 22 1. The capital investment tax credit established under s. 23 220.191, Florida Statutes. 24 2. The qualified target industry tax refund established 25 under s. 288.106, Florida Statutes. 26 3. The brownfield redevelopment bonus refund established 27 under s. 288.107, Florida Statutes. 28 4. High-impact business performance grants established 29 under s. 288.108, Florida Statutes. 30 5. The Quick Action Closing Fund established under s. 31 288.1088, Florida Statutes. 32 6. The Innovation Incentive Program established under s. 33 288.1089, Florida Statutes. 34 7. Enterprise Zone Program incentives established under ss. 35 212.08(5), 212.08(15), 212.096, 220.181, and 220.182, Florida 36 Statutes. 37 (b) By January 1, 2015, and every 3 years thereafter, an 38 analysis of the following: 39 1. The entertainment industry financial incentive program 40 established under s. 288.1254, Florida Statutes. 41 2. The entertainment industry sales tax exemption program 42 established under s. 288.1258, Florida Statutes. 43 3. VISIT Florida and its programs established or funded 44 under ss. 288.122, 288.1226, 288.12265, and 288.124, Florida 45 Statutes. 46 4. The Florida Sports Foundation and related programs 47 established under ss. 288.1162, 288.11621, 288.1166, 288.1167, 48 288.1168, 288.1169, and 288.1171, Florida Statutes. 49 (c) By January 1, 2016, and every 3 years thereafter, an 50 analysis of the following: 51 1. The qualified defense contractor and space flight 52 business tax refund program established under s. 288.1045, 53 Florida Statutes. 54 2. The tax exemption for semiconductor, defense, or space 55 technology sales established under s. 212.08(5)(j), Florida 56 Statutes. 57 3. The Military Base Protection Program established under 58 s. 288.980, Florida Statutes. 59 4. The Manufacturing and Spaceport Investment Incentive 60 Program established under s. 288.1083, Florida Statutes. 61 5. The Quick Response Training Program established under s. 62 288.047, Florida Statutes. 63 6. The Incumbent Worker Training Program established under 64 s. 445.003, Florida Statutes. 65 7. International trade and business development programs 66 established or funded under s. 288.826, Florida Statutes. 67 (3) Pursuant to the schedule established in subsection (2), 68 the Office of Economic and Demographic Research shall evaluate 69 and determine the economic benefits, as defined in s. 288.005, 70 Florida Statutes, of each program over the previous 3 years. The 71 analysis must also evaluate the number of jobs created, the 72 increase or decrease in personal income, and the impact on state 73 gross domestic product from the direct, indirect, and induced 74 effects of the state’s investment in each program over the 75 previous 3 years. 76 (a) For the purpose of evaluating tax credits, tax refunds, 77 sales tax exemptions, cash grants, and similar programs, the 78 Office of Economic and Demographic Research shall evaluate data 79 only from those projects in which businesses received state 80 funds during the evaluation period. Such projects may be fully 81 completed, partially completed with future fund disbursal 82 possible pending performance measures, or partially completed 83 with no future fund disbursal possible as a result of a 84 business’s inability to meet performance measures. 85 (b) The analysis must use the model developed by the Office 86 of Economic and Demographic Research, as required in s. 216.138, 87 Florida Statutes, to evaluate each program. The office shall 88 provide a written explanation of the key assumptions of the 89 model and how it is used. If the office finds that another 90 evaluation model is more appropriate to evaluate a program, it 91 may use another model, but it must provide an explanation as to 92 why the selected model was more appropriate. 93 (4) Pursuant to the schedule established in subsection (2), 94 OPPAGA shall evaluate each program over the previous 3 years for 95 its effectiveness and value to the taxpayers of this state and 96 include recommendations on each program for consideration by the 97 Legislature. The analysis may include relevant economic 98 development reports or analyses prepared by the Department of 99 Economic Opportunity, Enterprise Florida, Inc., or local or 100 regional economic development organizations; interviews with the 101 parties involved; or any other relevant data. 102 (5) The Office of Economic and Demographic Research and 103 OPPAGA must be given access to all data necessary to complete 104 the Economic Development Programs Evaluation, including any 105 confidential data. The offices may collaborate on data 106 collection and analysis. 107 Section 2. Subsection (10) of section 20.60, Florida 108 Statutes, is amended to read: 109 20.60 Department of Economic Opportunity; creation; powers 110 and duties.— 111 (10) The department, with assistance from Enterprise 112 Florida, Inc., shall, by November 1January 1of each year, 113 submit an annual report to the Governor, the President of the 114 Senate, and the Speaker of the House of Representatives on the 115 condition of the business climate and economic development in 116 the state. 117 (a) The report mustshallinclude the identification of 118 problems and a prioritized list of recommendations. 119 (b) The report must incorporate annual reports of other 120 programs, including: 121 1. The displaced homemaker program established under s. 122 446.50. 123 2. Information provided by the Department of Revenue under 124 s. 290.014. 125 3. Information provided by enterprise zone development 126 agencies under s. 290.0056 and an analysis of the activities and 127 accomplishments of each enterprise zone. 128 4. The Economic Gardening Business Loan Pilot Program 129 established under s. 288.1081 and the Economic Gardening 130 Technical Assistance Pilot Program established under s. 131 288.1082. 132 5. A detailed report of the performance of the Black 133 Business Loan Program and a cumulative summary of quarterly 134 report data required under s. 288.714. 135 6. The Rural Economic Development Initiative established 136 under s. 288.0656. 137 Section 3. Paragraph (bb) is added to subsection (8) of 138 section 213.053, Florida Statutes, to read: 139 213.053 Confidentiality and information sharing.— 140 (8) Notwithstanding any other provision of this section, 141 the department may provide: 142 (bb) Information to the director of the Office of Program 143 Policy Analysis and Government Accountability or his or her 144 authorized agent, and to the coordinator of the Office of 145 Economic and Demographic Research or his or her authorized 146 agent, for purposes of completing the Economic Development 147 Programs Evaluation. Information obtained from the department 148 pursuant to this paragraph may be shared by the director and the 149 coordinator, or the director’s or coordinator’s authorized 150 agent, for purposes of completing the Economic Development 151 Programs Evaluation. 152 153 Disclosure of information under this subsection shall be 154 pursuant to a written agreement between the executive director 155 and the agency. Such agencies, governmental or nongovernmental, 156 shall be bound by the same requirements of confidentiality as 157 the Department of Revenue. Breach of confidentiality is a 158 misdemeanor of the first degree, punishable as provided by s. 159 775.082 or s. 775.083. 160 161 ================= T I T L E A M E N D M E N T ================ 162 And the title is amended as follows: 163 Delete line 26 164 and insert: 165 included; amending s. 213.053, F.S.; authorizing the 166 Department of Revenue to make certain information 167 available to the director of the Office of Program 168 Policy Analysis and Government Accountability and the 169 coordinator of the Office of Economic and Demographic 170 Research; authorizing the offices to share certain 171 information; amending s. 220.194, F.S.; requiring the