Florida Senate - 2013 COMMITTEE AMENDMENT Bill No. SB 690 Barcode 255538 LEGISLATIVE ACTION Senate . House Comm: RCS . 02/22/2013 . . . . ————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— ————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— The Committee on Rules (Thrasher) recommended the following: 1 Senate Amendment 2 3 Delete lines 3148 - 3251 4 and insert: 5 6 Section 79. Subsection (6) of section 430.205, Florida 7 Statutes, is amended to read: 8 430.205 Community care service system.— 9 (6) Notwithstanding other requirements of this chapter, the 10 Department of Elderly Affairs and the Agency for Health Care 11 Administration shall develop an integrated long-term-care 12 delivery system. 13(a)The duties of the integrated system shall include 14 organizing and administering service delivery for the elderly, 15 obtaining contracts for services with providers in each service 16 area, monitoring the quality of services provided, determining 17 levels of need and disability for payment purposes, and other 18 activities determined by the department and the agency in order 19 to operate an integrated system. 20(b) During the 2004-2005 state fiscal year:211. The agency and the department shall reimburse providers22for case management services on a capitated basis and develop23uniform standards for case management within the Aged and24Disabled Adult Medicaid waiver program. The coordination of25acute and chronic medical services for individuals may be26included in the capitated rate for case management services. The27agency, in consultation with the department, shall adopt any28rules necessary to comply with or administer these requirements.292. The Legislature finds that preservation of the historic30aging network of lead agencies is essential to the well-being of31Florida’s elderly population. The Legislature finds that the32Florida aging network constitutes a system of essential33community providers which should be nurtured and assisted to34develop systems of operations which allow the gradual assumption35of responsibility and financial risk for managing a client36through the entire continuum of long-term care services within37the area the lead agency is currently serving, and which allow38lead agency providers to develop managed systems of service39delivery. The department, in consultation with the agency, shall40therefore:41a. Develop a demonstration project in which existing42community care for the elderly lead agencies are assisted in43transferring their business model and the service delivery44system within their current community care service area to45enable assumption, over a period of time, of full risk as a46community diversion pilot project contractor providing long-term47care services in the areas of operation. The department, in48consultation with the agency and the Department of Children and49Family Services, shall develop an implementation plan for no50more than three lead agencies by October 31, 2004.51b. In the demonstration area, a community care for the52elderly lead agency shall be initially reimbursed on a prepaid53or fixed-sum basis for all home and community-based services54provided under the long-term care community diversion pilot55project. By the end of the third year of operation, the lead56agency shall be reimbursed on a prepaid or fixed-sum basis for57all services under the long-term care community diversion pilot58project.59c. During the first year of operation, the department, in60consultation with the agency, may place providers at risk to61provide nursing home services for the enrolled individuals who62are participating in the demonstration project. During the 363year development period, the agency and the department may limit64the level of custodial nursing home risk that the administering65entities assume. Under risk-sharing arrangements, during the66first 3 years of operation, the department, in consultation with67the agency, may reimburse the administering entity for the cost68of providing nursing home care for Medicaid-eligible69participants who have been permanently placed and remain in a70nursing home for more than 1 year, or may disenroll such71participants from the demonstration project.72d. The agency, in consultation with the department, shall73develop reimbursement rates based on the federally approved,74actuarially certified rate methodology for the long-term care75community diversion pilot project.76e. The department, in consultation with the agency, shall77ensure that the entity or entities receiving prepaid or fixed78sum reimbursement are assisted in developing internal management79and financial control systems necessary to manage the risk80associated with providing services under a prepaid or fixed-sum81rate system.82f. If the department and the agency share risk of custodial83nursing home placement, payment rates during the first 3 years84of operation shall be set at not more than 100 percent of the85costs to the agency and the department of providing equivalent86services to the population within the area of the pilot project87for the year prior to the year in which the pilot project is88implemented, adjusted forward to account for inflation and89policy changes in the Medicaid program.90g. Community care for the elderly lead agencies that have91operated for a period of at least 20 years, which provide92Medicare-certified services to elders, and which have developed93a system of service provision by health care volunteers shall be94given priority in the selection of the pilot project if they95meet the minimum requirements specified in the competitive96procurement.97h. The agency and the department shall adopt rules98necessary to comply with or administer these requirements,99effect and implement interagency agreements between the agency100and the department, and comply with federal requirements.101i. The department and the agency shall seek federal waivers102necessary to implement the requirements of this section.103j. The Department of Elderly Affairs shall conduct or104contract for an evaluation of the demonstration project. The105department shall submit the evaluation to the Governor and the106Legislature by January 1, 2007. The evaluation must address the107effectiveness of the pilot project in providing a comprehensive108system of appropriate and high-quality, long-term care services109to elders in the least restrictive setting and make110recommendations on expanding the project to other parts of the111state. This subparagraph is subject to an appropriation by the112Legislature.1133. The agency, in consultation with the department, shall114work with the fiscal agent for the Medicaid program to develop a115service utilization reporting system that operates through the116fiscal agent for the capitated plans.117(c) During the 2005-2006 state fiscal year:1181. The agency, in consultation with the department, shall119monitor the newly integrated programs and report on the progress120of those programs to the Governor, the President of the Senate,121and the Speaker of the House of Representatives by June 30,1222006. The report must include an initial evaluation of the123programs in their early stages following the evaluation plan124developed by the department, in consultation with the agency and125the selected contractor.1262. The department shall monitor the pilot projects for127resource centers on aging and report on the progress of those128projects to the Governor, the President of the Senate, and the129Speaker of the House of Representatives by June 30, 2006. The130report must include an evaluation of the implementation process131in its early stages.1323. The department, in consultation with the agency, shall133integrate the database systems for the Comprehensive Assessment134and Review for Long-Term Care Services (CARES) program and the135Client Information and Referral Tracking System (CIRTS) into a136single operating assessment information system by June 30, 2006.137(d) During the 2006-2007 state fiscal year:1381. The agency, in consultation with the department, shall139evaluate the Alzheimer’s Disease waiver program and the Adult140Day Health Care waiver program to assess whether providing141limited intensive services through these waiver programs142produces better outcomes for individuals than providing those143services through the fee-for-service or capitated programs that144provide a larger array of services.1452. The agency, in consultation with the department, shall146begin discussions with the federal Centers for Medicare and147Medicaid Services regarding the inclusion of Medicare into the148integrated long-term care system. By December 31, 2006, the149agency shall provide to the Governor, the President of the150Senate, and the Speaker of the House of Representatives a plan151for including Medicare in the integrated long-term care system.152