Florida Senate - 2013 COMMITTEE AMENDMENT
Bill No. SPB 7032
Barcode 974666
Senate . House
Comm: FAV .
05/08/2013 .
The Committee on Military and Veterans Affairs, Space, and
Domestic Security (Altman) recommended the following:
1 Senate Amendment (with title amendment)
3 Delete everything after the enacting clause
4 and insert:
5 Section 1. Subsections (1) and (3) of section 196.082,
6 Florida Statutes, are amended to read:
7 196.082 Discounts for disabled veterans.—
8 (1) Each veteran who is age 65 or older and is partially or
9 totally permanently disabled shall receive a discount from the
10 amount of the ad valorem tax otherwise owed on homestead
11 property that the veteran owns and resides in if:
12 (a) The disability was combat-related;
13 (b) The veteran was a resident of this state at the time of
14 entering the military service of the United States; and
15 (b)(c) The veteran was honorably discharged upon separation
16 from military service.
17 (3) To qualify for the discount granted under this section,
18 an applicant must submit to the county property appraiser by
19 March 1:
20 (a) Proof of residency at the time of entering military
21 service;
22 (a)(b) An official letter from the United States Department
23 of Veterans Affairs which states the percentage of the veteran’s
24 service-connected disability and evidence that reasonably
25 identifies the disability as combat-related;
26 (b)(c) A copy of the veteran’s honorable discharge; and
27 (c)(d) Proof of age as of January 1 of the year to which
28 the discount applies will apply.
30 An Any applicant who is qualified to receive a discount under
31 this section and who fails to file an application by March 1 may
32 file an application for the discount and may file, pursuant to
33 s. 194.011(3), a petition with the value adjustment board
34 requesting that the discount be granted. Such application and
35 petition is shall be subject to the same procedures as for
36 exemptions under set forth in s. 196.011(8).
37 Section 2. This act shall take effect July 1, 2013, and
38 operate retroactively to January 1, 2013.
40 ================= T I T L E A M E N D M E N T ================
41 And the title is amended as follows:
42 Delete everything before the enacting clause
43 and insert:
44 A bill to be entitled
45 An act relating to homestead property tax exemptions;
46 amending s. 196.082, F.S.; deleting a requirement that
47 a disabled veteran be a resident of this state at the
48 time of entering military service in order to receive
49 a discount on the ad valorem tax owed on his or her
50 homestead property; providing for retroactivity;
51 providing an effective date.