Florida Senate - 2014 SENATOR AMENDMENT Bill No. CS for CS for SB 1114 Ì730910rÎ730910 LEGISLATIVE ACTION Senate . House . . . Floor: 2/AD/2R . 04/30/2014 11:31 AM . ————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— ————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— Senator Simpson moved the following: 1 Senate Amendment 2 3 Delete lines 1114 - 1141 4 and insert: 5 (g) Except for members of the Elected Officers’ Class who 6 withdraw from the Florida Retirement System under s. 7 121.052(3)(d) or elect to participate in an optional retirement 8 program under s. 121.051(1)(a), s. 121.051(2)(c), or s. 121.35, 9 or are described in s. 121.052(2)(a)2. or (2)(b), employees 10 initially enrolled in the Florida Retirement System on or after 11 July 1, 2015, and whose first employment in a regularly 12 established position is covered by the Elected Officers’ Class 13 are compulsory members of the investment plan. Investment plan 14 membership continues for a compulsory member even if the 15 employee is subsequently employed in a position covered by 16 another membership class. Membership in the pension plan by a 17 compulsory member is not permitted except as provided in s. 18 121.591(2). 19 1. Employees initially enrolled in the system before July 20 1, 2015, may retain their membership in the pension plan or 21 investment plan and are eligible to use the election opportunity 22 specified in paragraph (f). Compulsory members are not eligible 23 to use the election opportunity. 24 2. An employee eligible to withdraw from the system under 25 s. 121.052(3)(d) may withdraw from the system, participate in 26 the pension plan if not a compulsory member of the investment 27 plan, or participate in the investment plan as provided under 28 those provisions. An employee eligible for the optional 29 retirement programs under s. 121.051(2)(c) or s. 121.35 may 30 participate in the optional retirement program, participate in 31 the pension plan if not a compulsory member of the investment 32 plan, or participate in the investment plan as provided under 33 those provisions. An eligible employee required to participate 34 in the optional retirement program pursuant to s. 121.051(1)(a) 35 as provided under s. 121.35 must participate in the investment 36 plan if employed in a position not eligible for the optional 37 retirement program and otherwise meeting the requirements as a 38 compulsory member of the investment plan.