2014 Legislature                                 CS for SJR 1188
    2         A joint resolution proposing amendments to Sections 10
    3         and 11 of Article V of the State Constitution to
    4         authorize the Governor to prospectively fill vacancies
    5         in certain judicial offices.
    7  Be It Resolved by the Legislature of the State of Florida:
    9         That the following amendments to Sections 10 and 11 of
   10  Article V of the State Constitution are agreed to and shall be
   11  submitted to the electors of this state for approval or
   12  rejection at the next general election or at an earlier special
   13  election specifically authorized by law for that purpose:
   14                              ARTICLE V                            
   15                              JUDICIARY                            
   16         SECTION 10. Retention; election and terms.—
   17         (a) Any justice or judge may qualify for retention by a
   18  vote of the electors in the general election next preceding the
   19  expiration of the justice’s or judge’s term in the manner
   20  prescribed by law. When If a justice or judge is ineligible for
   21  retention or fails to qualify for retention, a prospective
   22  vacancy is deemed to occur at the conclusion of the qualifying
   23  period for retention for the purpose of appointing a successor
   24  justice or judge, and a vacancy shall exist in that office upon
   25  the expiration of the term being served by the justice or judge.
   26  When a justice or judge so qualifies, the ballot shall read
   27  substantially as follows: “Shall Justice (or Judge) ...(name of
   28  justice or judge)... of the ...(name of the court)... be
   29  retained in office?” If a majority of the qualified electors
   30  voting within the territorial jurisdiction of the court vote to
   31  retain, the justice or judge shall be retained for a term of six
   32  years. The term of the justice or judge retained shall commence
   33  on the first Tuesday after the first Monday in January following
   34  the general election. If a majority of the qualified electors
   35  voting within the territorial jurisdiction of the court vote to
   36  not retain, a prospective vacancy is deemed to occur immediately
   37  following the general election for the purpose of appointing a
   38  successor justice or judge, and a vacancy shall exist in that
   39  office upon the expiration of the term being served by the
   40  justice or judge.
   41         (b)(1) The election of circuit judges shall be preserved
   42  notwithstanding the provisions of subsection (a) unless a
   43  majority of those voting in the jurisdiction of that circuit
   44  approves a local option to select circuit judges by merit
   45  selection and retention rather than by election. The election of
   46  circuit judges shall be by a vote of the qualified electors
   47  within the territorial jurisdiction of the court.
   48         (2) The election of county court judges shall be preserved
   49  notwithstanding the provisions of subsection (a) unless a
   50  majority of those voting in the jurisdiction of that county
   51  approves a local option to select county judges by merit
   52  selection and retention rather than by election. The election of
   53  county court judges shall be by a vote of the qualified electors
   54  within the territorial jurisdiction of the court.
   55         (3)a. A vote to exercise a local option to select circuit
   56  court judges and county court judges by merit selection and
   57  retention rather than by election shall be held in each circuit
   58  and county at the general election in the year 2000. If a vote
   59  to exercise this local option fails in a vote of the electors,
   60  such option shall not again be put to a vote of the electors of
   61  that jurisdiction until the expiration of at least two years.
   62         b. After the year 2000, a circuit may initiate the local
   63  option for merit selection and retention or the election of
   64  circuit judges, whichever is applicable, by filing with the
   65  custodian of state records a petition signed by the number of
   66  electors equal to at least ten percent of the votes cast in the
   67  circuit in the last preceding election in which presidential
   68  electors were chosen.
   69         c. After the year 2000, a county may initiate the local
   70  option for merit selection and retention or the election of
   71  county court judges, whichever is applicable, by filing with the
   72  supervisor of elections a petition signed by the number of
   73  electors equal to at least ten percent of the votes cast in the
   74  county in the last preceding election in which presidential
   75  electors were chosen. The terms of circuit judges and judges of
   76  county courts shall be for six years.
   77         SECTION 11. Vacancies.—
   78         (a)(1) Whenever a vacancy occurs in a judicial office to
   79  which election for retention applies, the governor shall fill
   80  the vacancy by appointing for a term ending on the first Tuesday
   81  after the first Monday in January of the year following the next
   82  general election occurring at least one year after the date of
   83  appointment, one of not fewer than three persons nor more than
   84  six persons nominated by the appropriate judicial nominating
   85  commission.
   86         (2) Whenever a prospective vacancy occurs in a judicial
   87  office for which election for retention applies, the governor
   88  shall fill the prospective vacancy by appointing a justice or
   89  judge from among at least three persons but not more than six
   90  persons nominated by the appropriate judicial nominating
   91  commission. The term of the appointment commences upon the
   92  expiration of the term of the office being vacated and ends on
   93  the first Tuesday after the first Monday in January of the year
   94  following the next general election.
   95         (b) The governor shall fill each vacancy on a circuit court
   96  or on a county court, wherein the judges are elected by a
   97  majority vote of the electors, by appointing for a term ending
   98  on the first Tuesday after the first Monday in January of the
   99  year following the next primary and general election occurring
  100  at least one year after the date of appointment, one of not
  101  fewer than three persons nor more than six persons nominated by
  102  the appropriate judicial nominating commission. An election
  103  shall be held to fill that judicial office for the term of the
  104  office beginning at the end of the appointed term.
  105         (c) The nominations shall be made within thirty days from
  106  the occurrence of a vacancy or prospective vacancy unless the
  107  period is extended by the governor for a time not to exceed
  108  thirty days. The governor shall make the appointment within
  109  sixty days after the nominations have been certified to the
  110  governor.
  111         (d) There shall be a separate judicial nominating
  112  commission as provided by general law for the supreme court,
  113  each district court of appeal, and each judicial circuit for all
  114  trial courts within the circuit. Uniform rules of procedure
  115  shall be established by the judicial nominating commissions at
  116  each level of the court system. Such rules, or any part thereof,
  117  may be repealed by general law enacted by a majority vote of the
  118  membership of each house of the legislature, or by the supreme
  119  court, five justices concurring. Except for deliberations of the
  120  judicial nominating commissions, the proceedings of the
  121  commissions and their records shall be open to the public.
  122         BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the following statement be
  123  placed on the ballot:
  124                      CONSTITUTIONAL AMENDMENT                     
  125                     ARTICLE V, SECTIONS 10, 11                    
  127  Proposing an amendment to the State Constitution requiring the
  128  Governor to prospectively fill vacancies in a judicial office to
  129  which election for retention applies resulting from the
  130  justice’s or judge’s reaching the mandatory retirement age or
  131  failure to qualify for a retention election; and allowing
  132  prospective appointments if a justice or judge is not retained
  133  at an election. Currently, the Governor may not fill an expected
  134  vacancy until the current justice’s or judge’s term expires.