Florida Senate - 2014 SENATOR AMENDMENT
Bill No. CS for CS for SB 1276
Senate . House
Senator Grimsley moved the following:
1 Senate Amendment (with title amendment)
3 Delete lines 26 - 39
4 and insert:
5 Section 1. Paragraph (a) of subsection (7) and subsection
6 (14) of section 395.4001, Florida Statutes, are amended to read:
7 395.4001 Definitions.—As used in this part, the term:
8 (7) “Level II trauma center” means a trauma center that:
9 (a) Is verified by the department to be in substantial
10 compliance with Level II trauma center standards and has been
11 approved by the department to operate as a Level II trauma
12 center or is designated pursuant to s. 395.4025(13) s.
13 395.4025(14).
14 (14) “Trauma center” means a hospital that has been
15 verified by the department to be in substantial compliance with
16 the requirements in s. 395.4025 and has been approved by the
17 department to operate as a Level I trauma center, Level II
18 trauma center, or pediatric trauma center, or is designated by
19 the department as a Level II trauma center pursuant to s.
20 395.4025(13) s. 395.4025(14).
21 Section 2. Present paragraphs (k) through (o) of subsection
22 (1) of section 395.401, Florida Statutes, are redesignated as
23 paragraphs (l) through (p), respectively, a new paragraph (k) is
24 added to that subsection, and present paragraph (k) of that
25 subsection is amended, to read:
26 395.401 Trauma services system plans; approval of trauma
27 centers and pediatric trauma centers; procedures; renewal.—
28 (1)
29 (k) A hospital operating a trauma center may not charge a
30 trauma activation fee greater than $15,000. This paragraph
31 expires on July 1, 2015.
32 (l)(k) A It is unlawful for any hospital or other facility
33 may not to hold itself out as a trauma center unless it has been
34 so verified or designated pursuant to s. 395.4025(13) s.
35 395.4025(14).
36 Section 3. Subsections (2) and (4) of section 395.402,
37 Florida Statutes, are amended, and subsection (5) is added to
38 that, to read:
39 395.402 Trauma service areas; number and location of trauma
40 centers.—
41 (2) Trauma service areas as defined in this section are to
42 be utilized until the Department of Health completes an
43 assessment of the trauma system and reports its finding to the
44 Governor, the President of the Senate, the Speaker of the House
45 of Representatives, and the substantive legislative committees.
46 The report shall be submitted by February 1, 2005. The
47 department shall review the existing trauma system and determine
48 whether it is effective in providing trauma care uniformly
49 throughout the state. The assessment shall:
50 (a) Consider aligning trauma service areas within the
51 trauma region boundaries as established in July 2004.
52 (a)(b) Review the number and level of trauma centers needed
53 for each trauma service area to provide a statewide integrated
54 trauma system.
55 (b)(c) Establish criteria for determining the number and
56 level of trauma centers needed to serve the population in a
57 defined trauma service area or region.
58 (c)(d) Consider including criteria within trauma center
59 approval standards based upon the number of trauma victims
60 served within a service area.
61 (e) Review the Regional Domestic Security Task Force
62 structure and determine whether integrating the trauma system
63 planning with interagency regional emergency and disaster
64 planning efforts is feasible and identify any duplication of
65 efforts between the two entities.
66 (d)(f) Make recommendations regarding a continued revenue
67 source which shall include a local participation requirement.
68 (e)(g) Make recommendations regarding a formula for the
69 distribution of funds identified for trauma centers which shall
70 address incentives for new centers where needed and the need to
71 maintain effective trauma care in areas served by existing
72 centers, with consideration for the volume of trauma patients
73 served, and the amount of charity care provided.
74 (4) Annually thereafter, the department shall review the
75 assignment of the 67 counties to trauma service areas, in
76 addition to the requirements of paragraphs (2)(a)-(e) (2)(b)-(g)
77 and subsection (3). County assignments are made for the purpose
78 of developing a system of trauma centers. Revisions made by the
79 department shall take into consideration the recommendations
80 made as part of the regional trauma system plans approved by the
81 department and the recommendations made as part of the state
82 trauma system plan. In cases where a trauma service area is
83 located within the boundaries of more than one trauma region,
84 the trauma service area’s needs, response capability, and system
85 requirements shall be considered by each trauma region served by
86 that trauma service area in its regional system plan. Until the
87 department completes the February 2005 assessment, the
88 assignment of counties shall remain as established in this
89 section.
90 (a) The following trauma service areas are hereby
91 established:
92 1. Trauma service area 1 shall consist of Escambia,
93 Okaloosa, Santa Rosa, and Walton Counties.
94 2. Trauma service area 2 shall consist of Bay, Gulf,
95 Holmes, and Washington Counties.
96 3. Trauma service area 3 shall consist of Calhoun,
97 Franklin, Gadsden, Jackson, Jefferson, Leon, Liberty, Madison,
98 Taylor, and Wakulla Counties.
99 4. Trauma service area 4 shall consist of Alachua,
100 Bradford, Columbia, Dixie, Gilchrist, Hamilton, Lafayette, Levy,
101 Putnam, Suwannee, and Union Counties.
102 5. Trauma service area 5 shall consist of Baker, Clay,
103 Duval, Nassau, and St. Johns Counties.
104 6. Trauma service area 6 shall consist of Citrus, Hernando,
105 and Marion Counties.
106 7. Trauma service area 7 shall consist of Flagler and
107 Volusia Counties.
108 8. Trauma service area 8 shall consist of Lake, Orange,
109 Osceola, Seminole, and Sumter Counties.
110 9. Trauma service area 9 shall consist of Pasco and
111 Pinellas Counties.
112 10. Trauma service area 10 shall consist of Hillsborough
113 County.
114 11. Trauma service area 11 shall consist of Hardee,
115 Highlands, and Polk Counties.
116 12. Trauma service area 12 shall consist of Brevard and
117 Indian River Counties.
118 13. Trauma service area 13 shall consist of DeSoto,
119 Manatee, and Sarasota Counties.
120 14. Trauma service area 14 shall consist of Martin,
121 Okeechobee, and St. Lucie Counties.
122 15. Trauma service area 15 shall consist of Charlotte,
123 Glades, Hendry, and Lee Counties.
124 16. Trauma service area 16 shall consist of Palm Beach
125 County.
126 17. Trauma service area 17 shall consist of Collier County.
127 18. Trauma service area 18 shall consist of Broward County.
128 19. Trauma service area 19 shall consist of Miami-Dade and
129 Monroe Counties.
130 (b) Each trauma service area should have at least one Level
131 I or Level II trauma center. The department shall allocate, by
132 rule, the number of trauma centers needed for each trauma
133 service area.
134 (c) There shall be no more than a total of 44 trauma
135 centers in the state.
137 ================= T I T L E A M E N D M E N T ================
138 And the title is amended as follows:
139 Delete lines 3 - 5
140 and insert:
141 395.4001, F.S.; conforming a cross-reference; amending
142 s. 395.401, F.S.; limiting trauma service fees to a
143 certain amount; providing for future expiration;
144 conforming a cross-reference; amending s. 395.402,
145 F.S.; deleting provisions relating to the contents of
146 the Department of Health assessment of the trauma
147 system; requiring the Department of