Florida Senate - 2014 SENATOR AMENDMENT Bill No. CS/CS/HB 7005, 2nd Eng. Ì324052tÎ324052 LEGISLATIVE ACTION Senate . House . . . Floor: WD . 05/02/2014 04:39 PM . ————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— ————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— Senator Galvano moved the following: 1 Senate Amendment (with title amendment) 2 3 Between lines 1464 and 1465 4 insert: 5 Section 33. Paragraphs (a) and (e) of subsection (1) of 6 section 343.91, Florida Statutes, are amended to read: 7 343.91 Definitions.— 8 (1) As used in this part, the term: 9 (a) “Authority” means the Tampa Bay Area Regional 10 Transportation Authority, the body politic and corporate and 11 agency of the state created by this part, covering the eight 12 countyseven-countyarea comprised of Citrus, Hernando, 13 Hillsborough, Pasco, Pinellas, Polk, Manatee, and Sarasota 14 Counties. 15 (e)1. “Commuter rail” means a complete system of tracks, 16 guideways, stations, and rolling stock necessary to effectuate 17 medium-distance to long-distance passenger rail service to, 18 from, or within the municipalities within the authority’s 19 designated eight-countyseven-countyregion. 20 2. “Heavy rail transit” means a complete rail system 21 operating on an electric railway with the capacity for a heavy 22 volume of traffic, characterized by high-speed and rapid 23 acceleration passenger rail cars operating singly or in multicar 24 trains on fixed rails in separate rights-of-way from which all 25 other vehicular and pedestrian traffic are excluded. “Heavy rail 26 transit” includes metro, subway, elevated, rapid transit, and 27 rapid rail systems. 28 3. “Light rail transit” means a complete system of tracks, 29 overhead catenaries, stations, and platforms with lightweight 30 passenger rail cars operating singly or in short, multicar 31 trains on fixed rails in rights-of-way that are not separated 32 from other traffic for much of the way. 33 Section 34. Subsection (2) of section 343.92, Florida 34 Statutes, is amended to read: 35 343.92 Tampa Bay Area Regional Transportation Authority.— 36 (2) The governing board of the authority shall consist of 37 16 voting members. 38 (a)There shall be one nonvoting, ex officio member ofThe 39board who shall be appointed by thesecretary of the department 40 shall appoint an advisor to the boardbutwho must be the 41 district secretary for one of the department districts within 42 the eight-countyseven-countyarea of the authority, at the 43 discretion of the secretary of the department. 44 (b) The 16There shall be 15voting members of the board 45 shall be as follows: 46 1. The county commissions of Citrus, Hernando, 47 Hillsborough, Pasco, Pinellas, Polk, Manatee, and Sarasota 48 Counties shall each appoint one elected official to the board. 49 Members appointed under this subparagraph shall serve 2-year 50 terms with not more than three consecutive terms being served by 51 any person. If a member under this subparagraph leaves elected 52 office, a vacancy exists on the board to be filled as provided 53 in this subparagraph. 54 2. The West Central Florida M.P.O. Chairs Coordinating 55 Committee shall appoint one member to the board who must be a 56 chair of one of the six metropolitan planning organizations in 57 the region. The member appointed under this subparagraph shall 58 serve a 2-year term with not more than three consecutive terms 59 being served by any person. 60 3.a. Two members of the board shall be the mayor, or the 61 mayor’s designee, of the largest municipality within the service 62 area of each of the following independent transit agencies or 63 their legislatively created successor agencies: Pinellas 64 Suncoast Transit Authority and Hillsborough Area Regional 65 Transit Authority. The largest municipality is that municipality 66 with the largest population as determined by the most recent 67 United States Decennial Census. 68 b. Should a mayor choose not to serve, his or her designee 69 must be an elected official selected by the mayor from that 70 largest municipality’s city council or city commission. A mayor 71 or his or her designee shall serve a 2-year term with not more 72 than three consecutive terms being served by any person. 73 c. A designee’s term ends if the mayor leaves office for 74 any reason. If a designee leaves elected office on the city 75 council or commission, a vacancy exists on the board to be 76 filled by the mayor of that municipality as provided in sub 77 subparagraph a. 78 d. A mayor who has served three consecutive terms on the 79 board must designate an elected official from that largest 80 municipality’s city council or city commission to serve on the 81 board for at least one term. 82 4.a. One membership on the board shall rotate every 2 years 83 between the mayor, or his or her designee, of the largest 84 municipality within Manatee County and the mayor, or his or her 85 designee, of the largest municipality within Sarasota County. 86 The mayor, or his or her designee, from the largest municipality 87 within Manatee County shall serve the first 2-year term. The 88 largest municipality is that municipality with the largest 89 population as determined by the most recent United States 90 Decennial Census. 91 b. Should a mayor choose not to serve, his or her designee 92 must be an elected official selected by the mayor from that 93 municipality’s city council or city commission. 94 5. The Governor shall appoint to the board four business 95 representatives, each of whom must reside in one of the eight 96sevencounties governed by the authority, none of whom may be 97 elected officials, and at least one but not more than two of 98 whom shall represent counties within the federally designated 99 Tampa Bay Transportation Management Area. Members appointed by 100 the Governor shall serve 3-year terms with not more than two 101 consecutive terms being served by any person. 102 (c) Appointments may be staggered to avoid mass turnover at 103 the end of any 2-year or 4-year period. A vacancy during a term 104 shall be filled by the respective appointing authority within 90 105 days in the same manner as the original appointment and only for 106 the remainder of the unexpired term. 107 Section 35. Subsection (1) and paragraphs (c) through (e) 108 of subsection (3) of section 343.922, Florida Statutes, are 109 amended to read: 110 343.922 Powers and duties.— 111 (1) The express purposes of the authority are to improve 112 mobility and expand multimodal transportation options for 113 passengers and freight throughout the eight-countyseven-county114 Tampa Bay region. 115 (3) 116 (c) Before the adoption of the master plan, the authority 117 shall hold at least one public meeting in each of the eight 118sevencounties within the designated region. At least one public 119 hearing must be held before the authority’s board. 120 (d) After its adoption, the master plan shall be updated 121 every 52years before July 1. 122 (e) The authority shall present the original master plan 123 and updates to the governing bodies of the counties within the 124 eight-countyseven-countyregion, to the West Central Florida 125 M.P.O. Chairs Coordinating Committee, and to the legislative 126 delegation members representing those counties within 90 days 127 after adoption. 128 129 ================= T I T L E A M E N D M E N T ================ 130 And the title is amended as follows: 131 Delete line 178 132 and insert: 133 vehicle; amending s. 343.91, F.S.; adding Polk County 134 to the list of counties covered under the Tampa Bay 135 Area Regional Transportation Authority; amending s. 136 343.92, F.S.; revising the voting membership of the 137 governing board of the Tampa Bay Area Regional 138 Transportation Authority; amending s. 343.922, F.S.; 139 conforming provisions to changes made by the act; 140 amending s. 526.141, F.S.; requiring self-