Florida Senate - 2014 SENATOR AMENDMENT
Bill No. CS/CS/HB 7005, 2nd Eng.
Senate . House
Floor: 4/F/2R .
05/01/2014 02:43 PM .
Senator Soto moved the following:
1 Senate Amendment (with directory amendment)
3 Between lines 863 and 864
4 insert:
6 (b) The license plate annual use fees shall be distributed
7 to the In God We Trust Foundation, Inc., to use to address the
8 needs of currently serving military members, spouses, and their
9 dependents based on the advice and comment of the military
10 community; to address the needs of public safety employees and
11 their families based on advice and comment of the public safety
12 community; and for education in public and private schools
13 regarding the historical significance of religion in fund
14 educational scholarships for the children of Florida residents
15 who are members of the United States Armed Forces, the National
16 Guard, and the United States Armed Forces Reserve and for the
17 children of public safety employees who have died in the line of
18 duty who are not covered by existing state law. Funds shall also
19 be distributed to other s. 501(c)(3) organizations that may
20 apply for grants and scholarships and to provide educational
21 grants to public and private schools to promote the historical
22 and religious significance of American and Florida history. All
23 of these uses may be accomplished through or with other
24 501(c)(3) organizations, and all of these uses may include
25 educational scholarships and grants. The In God We Trust
26 Foundation, Inc., shall distribute the license plate annual use
27 fees in the following manner:
28 1. The In God We Trust Foundation, Inc., may shall retain
29 all revenues from the sale of such plates until all startup
30 costs for developing and establishing the plate have been
31 recovered.
32 2. Ten percent of the funds received by the In God We Trust
33 Foundation, Inc., may shall be expended for administrative
34 costs, promotion, and marketing of the license plate directly
35 associated with the operations of the In God We Trust
36 Foundation, Inc.
37 3. All remaining funds may shall be expended by the In God
38 We Trust Foundation, Inc., for programs.
41 ====== D I R E C T O R Y C L A U S E A M E N D M E N T ======
42 And the directory clause is amended as follows:
43 Delete line 837
44 and insert:
45 Section 17. Paragraphs (a) and (b) of subsection (47),
46 paragraph (b) of subsection (67), and