Florida Senate - 2014 Committee Amendment
SB7090 ATD 51
The Committee on Appropriations (Bean) recommended the following LATE
FILED amendment:
Section: 06 EXPLANATION:
On Page: 286 Provides $50,000 of nonrecurring funds from the
State Economic Enhancement and Development (SEED)
Spec App: 2256A Trust Fund to the Department of Economic Opportunity
for the Jacksonville Women's Business Center.
Decreases funding provided for the Tampa Bay
Innovation Training Center's Skills Initiative from
$1.5 million to $1.45 million from the SEED Trust
NET IMPACT ON: Total Funds General Revenue Trust Funds
Recurring - 0 0 0
Non-Recurring - 0 0 0
Positions & Amount Positions & Amount
Program: Strategic Business Development
Strategic Business Development 40400100
In Section 06 On Page 286
2256A Special Categories 100562
Economic Development Projects IOEA
2041 State Economic Enhancement And 2,475,000 2,475,000
Development Trust Fund
CA 0
DELETE the proviso immediately following Specific Appropriation 2256A:
The nonrecurring State Economic Enhancement and Development Trust Funds
provided in Specific Appropriation 2256A are allocated as follows:
National Entrepreneur Center................................ 600,000
Grow Tampa Bay Tech - Tampa Bay Technology Forum............ 375,000
Tampa Bay Innovation Training Center - Skills Initiative.... 1,500,000
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The nonrecurring State Economic Enhancement and Development Trust Funds
provided in Specific Appropriation 2256A are allocated as follows:
National Entrepreneur Center................................ 600,000
Grow Tampa Bay Tech - Tampa Bay Technology Forum............ 375,000
Tampa Bay Innovation Training Center - Skills Initiative.... 1,450,000
Jacksonville Women's Business Center / Jacksonville Chamber
Foundation.................................................. 50,000
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