Florida Senate - 2015 SB 1074 By Senator Soto 14-00745-15 20151074__ 1 A bill to be entitled 2 An act relating to a graduation transition program; 3 creating s. 1003.565, F.S.; defining a term; creating 4 the ESOL Graduation Transition Program within the 5 Department of Education; providing for eligibility and 6 requirements for the program; requiring an eligible 7 student to continue taking certain classes while 8 enrolled in the program; directing the department to 9 adopt rules; providing an effective date. 10 11 Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida: 12 13 Section 1. Section 1003.565, Florida Statutes, is created 14 to read: 15 1003.565 ESOL Graduation Transition Program.— 16 (1) As used in this section, the term “ESOL” has the same 17 meaning as in s. 1003.56. 18 (2) The Department of Education shall create an ESOL 19 Graduation Transition Program to provide for the transition from 20 high school to college for students who have not been able to 21 meet the requirements for graduation from high school in 4 years 22 due to language barriers. To qualify for participation in the 23 program, a student must satisfy all of the following conditions: 24 (a) Have enrolled in a public high school in this state at 25 age 15 or older. 26 (b) Be 19 years of age or older. 27 (c) Be enrolled in a public high school. 28 (d) Be unable to pass the Florida Standards assessment or 29 the courses required for graduation from a high school under s. 30 1003.4282. 31 (e) Be qualified to participate in an ESOL program operated 32 in accordance with a school district’s approved English Language 33 Learner plan. 34 (3) A student who meets the requirements of subsection (2) 35 may enroll in remedial classes at a Florida College System 36 institution to work toward meeting the requirements for 37 graduation from high school. While attending these remedial 38 classes, a qualified student may also participate in a school’s 39 dual enrollment program and take a limited number of courses for 40 college credit. 41 (4) A student who participates in the ESOL Graduation 42 Transition Program must continue to take English classes to 43 improve his or her English language proficiency while enrolled 44 in the program. 45 (5) The State Board of Education shall adopt rules to 46 implement this section. 47 Section 2. This act shall take effect July 1, 2015.