Florida Senate - 2015 (NP) SR 1668 By Senator Brandes 22-04633-15 20151668__ 1 Senate Resolution 2 A resolution recognizing April 20, 2015, as “Taxpayer 3 Independence Day” in Florida and celebrating Florida 4 as a taxpayer-friendly state. 5 6 WHEREAS, Florida is one of seven states without personal 7 income tax, and 8 WHEREAS, Florida will recognize April 20, 2015, as Taxpayer 9 Independence Day, the symbolic date that assumes that every 10 dollar earned by Floridians between January 1, 2015, and that 11 date goes to pay federal, state, and local tax obligations, and 12 WHEREAS, in 2015, it took 110 days for the average Florida 13 household to pay its taxes, with nearly two-thirds of that tax 14 burden being federal, and 15 WHEREAS, although Florida taxes are very low relative to 16 other states, with 20 states reaching the Taxpayer Independence 17 Day mark later in the year, the combined federal, state, and 18 local tax is a significant expense of Florida households, and 19 WHEREAS, the federal Taxpayer Independence Day occurs 4 20 days after Florida’s, NOW, THEREFORE, 21 22 Be It Resolved by the Senate of the State of Florida: 23 24 That April 20, 2015, is recognized as “Taxpayer 25 Independence Day” in Florida and that we celebrate Florida as a 26 taxpayer-friendly state.