Florida Senate - 2015 COMMITTEE AMENDMENT
Bill No. SB 7082
Senate . House
Comm: RCS .
04/16/2015 .
The Committee on Appropriations (Ring) recommended the
1 Senate Amendment (with title amendment)
3 Between lines 383 and 384
4 insert:
5 Section 6. Subsection (1) of section 121.71, Florida
6 Statutes, is amended to read:
7 121.71 Uniform rates; process; calculations; levy.—
8 (1) In conducting the system actuarial study required under
9 s. 121.031, the actuary shall follow all requirements specified
10 to determine, by Florida Retirement System employee membership
11 class, the dollar contribution amounts necessary for the next
12 fiscal year for the pension plan. In addition, the actuary shall
13 determine, by Florida Retirement System membership class, based
14 on an estimate for the next fiscal year of the gross
15 compensation of employees participating in the investment plan,
16 the dollar contribution amounts necessary to make the
17 allocations required under ss. 121.72, and 121.73, and 121.735.
18 For each employee membership class and subclass, the actuarial
19 study must establish a uniform rate necessary to fund the
20 benefit obligations under both Florida Retirement System
21 retirement plans by dividing the sum of total dollars required
22 by the estimated gross compensation of members in both plans.
23 Section 7. Section 121.74, Florida Statutes, is amended to
24 read:
25 121.74 Administrative and educational expenses.—In addition
26 to contributions required to fund member accounts under s. ss.
27 121.71 and 121.73, effective July 1, 2010, through June 30,
28 2014, employers participating in the Florida Retirement System
29 shall contribute an employer assessment amount equal to 0.03
30 percent of the payroll reported for each class or subclass of
31 Florida Retirement System membership. Effective July 1, 2014,
32 the employer assessment is 0.04 percent of the payroll reported
33 for each class or subclass of membership. The amount assessed
34 shall be transferred by the division of Retirement from the
35 Florida Retirement System Contributions Clearing Trust Fund to
36 the State Board of Administration’s Administrative Trust Fund to
37 offset the costs of administering the investment plan and the
38 costs of providing educational services to members of the
39 Florida Retirement System. Approval of the trustees is required
40 before the expenditure of these funds. Payments for third-party
41 administrative or educational expenses shall be made only
42 pursuant to the terms of the approved contracts for such
43 services.
44 Section 8. For the 2015-2016 fiscal year only, upon
45 notification by the Department of Management Services that
46 sufficient funds are not available to make survivor benefit
47 payments authorized by this act, the State Board of
48 Administration shall transfer, to the extent necessary, moneys
49 in the Administrative Trust Fund to the survivor benefits
50 account in the Florida Retirement System Trust Fund to ensure
51 the timely payment of survivor benefits.
53 ================= T I T L E A M E N D M E N T ================
54 And the title is amended as follows:
55 Delete line 24
56 and insert:
57 benefits authorized by the act; amending ss. 121.71
58 and 121.74, F.S.; conforming cross-references to
59 changes made by the act; requiring the State Board of
60 Administration to transfer moneys to fund survivor
61 benefit payments under specified circumstances;
62 amending s. 121.75,