Florida Senate - 2016 SB 1174 By Senator Diaz de la Portilla 40-01647A-16 20161174__ 1 A bill to be entitled 2 An act relating to residential facilities; amending s. 3 419.001, F.S.; specifying applicability of siting 4 requirements for community residential homes; 5 providing applicability with respect to local land use 6 and zoning; providing an effective date. 7 8 Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida: 9 10 Section 1. Subsection (5) of section 419.001, Florida 11 Statutes, is amended to read: 12 419.001 Site selection of community residential homes.— 13 (5) All distance requirements in this section shall be 14 measured from the nearest point of the existing home or area of 15 single-family zoning to the nearest point of the proposed home. 16 When one home has 6 or fewer residents and another home has 7 to 17 14 residents, the greater distance requirement applies. 18 Distances between community residential homes shall be measured 19 according to the requirements of this section regardless of 20 which agency, as specified in paragraph (1)(a), serves the 21 clients housed therein. For purposes of local land use and 22 zoning determinations, this paragraph does not affect the legal 23 nonconforming use status of any community residential home 24 lawfully permitted and operating as of July 1, 2016. 25 Section 2. This act shall take effect July 1, 2016.