Florida Senate - 2016 Committee Amendment
SPB2500 ACJ 24
The Committee on Appropriations (Negron) recommended the following
Section: 04 EXPLANATION:
On Page: 174 Provides $100,000 in nonrecurring general revenue
funds in the Department of Juvenile Justice for the
Spec App: 1170 Hillsborough County Public Schools to implement a
pilot program to assist students at two
underachieving alternative schools.
NET IMPACT ON: Total Funds General Revenue Trust Funds
Recurring - 0 0 0
Non-Recurring - 0 0 0
Positions & Amount Positions & Amount
Program: Prevention And Victim Services
Delinquency Prevention And Diversion 80900100
In Section 04 On Page 174
1170 Special Categories 100778
Grants And Aids - Contracted Services IOEB
1000 General Revenue Fund 3,629,522 3,729,522
CA 100,000 FSI1NR 100,000
At the end of existing proviso language, following Specific
Appropriation 1170, INSERT:
From the funds in Specific Appropriation 1170, $100,000 in nonrecurring
general revenue funds is appropriated to the Hillsborough County Public
Schools to work with Justice Works YouthCare in implementing an
Alternative School Pilot Program at two underachieving alternative
schools. The program is designed to reduce truancy rates, negative
incidents, arrests, suspensions, and expulsions, and to improve
graduation rates and success after high school.
Program: Juvenile Detention Program
Detention Centers 80400100
995029 Log:0041 RTS/RMS 02/01/16 08:04:06 PM Senate Page: 1
In Section 04 On Page 167
1105 Fixed Capital Outlay 080410
Department Of Juvenile Justice
Maintenance And Repair - State Owned
Buildings IOEJ
1000 General Revenue Fund 4,000,000 3,900,000
CA -100,000 FSI1NR -100,000
995029 Log:0041 RTS/RMS 02/01/16 08:04:06 PM Senate Page: 2