GENERAL APPROPRIATIONS BILL                          Committee       Amendment
SB2500                                                  AGG              15

Senator(s) Altman and Soto moved the following amendment:

Section: 05              EXPLANATION:

On Page: 216             Authorizes $222,562,060 in bond proceeds from the 
                         Florida Forever Trust Fund for land acquisition in 
Spec App: 1531           the Florida Forever program.  Also provides 
                         $22,256,206 from the Land Acquisition Trust Fund to 
                         support the annual debt service payments for the 
                         issuance of the bonds.

NET IMPACT ON:            Total Funds       General Revenue          Trust Funds
    Recurring -           22,256,206                     0           22,256,206 
Non-Recurring -          178,049,648                     0          178,049,648 

                                               Positions & Amount   Positions & Amount
                                                     DELETE         INSERT

        Program: State Lands
        Land Administration And Management  37100400

        In Section 05  On Page 216
1531    Special Categories  109983
        Transfer To Florida Forever Trust Fund  IOEH

   2423   Land Acquisition Trust Fund             48,870,979     26,614,773
       CA -22,256,206  FSI1NR -22,256,206  

1533    Fixed Capital Outlay  084108
        Land Acquisition, Environmentally                
        Endangered, Unique/ Irreplaceable Lands, 
        Statewide  IOEJ

   2348   Florida Forever Trust Fund              22,256,206    222,562,060
       CA 200,305,854  FSI1NR 200,305,854  

DELETE the proviso immediately following Specific Appropriation 1533:


Funds in Specific Appropriation 1533 are provided for land acquisition 
pursuant to section 259.105(3)(m), Florida Statutes.

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        In Section 5  On Page 000
1533A   Fixed Capital Outlay  081117
        Debt Service - Florida Forever Bonds -                
        New Series  IOEN

   2423   Land Acquisition Trust Fund                            22,256,206
       CA 22,256,206  FSI1 22,256,206  

Immediately following Specific Appropriation 1533A, INSERT:

Funds provided in Specific Appropriation 1533A are for Fiscal Year 
2016-2017 debt service on new bonds authorized pursuant to section 
215.618, Florida Statutes, including any other continuing payments 
necessary or incidental to the repayment of the bonds, such as 
remarketing agent fees, tender agent fees, liquidity facility provider 
fees and similar fees and expenses. These funds may be used to refinance 
any or all series if it is in the best interest of the state as 
determined by the Division of Bond Finance. If the debt service varies 
as a result of a change in the interest rate, timing of issuance, or 
other circumstances, there is appropriated from the Land Acquisition 
Trust Fund an amount sufficient to pay such debt service.

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