Florida Senate - 2016 SM 694 By Senator Clemens 27-00484A-16 2016694__ 1 Senate Memorial 2 A memorial to the Congress of the United States, 3 urging Congress to propose to the states an amendment 4 to the Constitution of the United States to provide 5 that political contributions and expenditures by 6 corporations be regulated by federal, state, and local 7 governments and establish that corporations and other 8 artificial entities are not human beings entitled to 9 constitutional rights. 10 11 WHEREAS, government of, by, and for the people has long 12 been a cherished American value, and the people’s fundamental 13 and inalienable right to self-govern and thereby secure rights 14 to life, liberty, property, and the pursuit of happiness is 15 guaranteed by the United States Constitution, and 16 WHEREAS, corporations are not mentioned in the United 17 States Constitution but are human-made legal fictions created 18 with the express permission of the people by our elected 19 representatives through the government, and 20 WHEREAS, the concept of corporate personhood was created 21 through ill-conceived judicial decisions to usurp basic human 22 and constitutional rights guaranteed only to human beings, and 23 WHEREAS, the United States Supreme Court’s rulings in 24 Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission, 558 U.S. 310 25 (2010), and McCutcheon v. Federal Election Commission, 572 U.S. 26 ___ (2014), endow corporations with constitutional protections 27 originally held by the people, including the same right to 28 freedom of speech as natural persons, and assume that spending 29 money in the political process is equal to speech, and 30 WHEREAS, these Supreme Court rulings remove legislative 31 spending limits on certain contributions and have opened the 32 floodgates to unlimited spending by wealthy individuals, 33 corporations, and other entities to influence candidate 34 selection, elections, and policy decisions, and to sway elected 35 officials to vote against the interests of their human 36 constituents, and 37 WHEREAS, corporations and other artificial entities exist 38 simultaneously in many nations and use these judicially granted 39 “corporate rights” to secure whatever is needed to seek greater 40 profits, regardless of the harm caused to the environment, 41 communities, or individuals, even to the point of legal action 42 to overturn national, state, and local government laws, 43 regulations, and ordinances in tribunals and courts, and 44 WHEREAS, the act of spending unlimited amounts of money in 45 the political process being deemed equal to speech is contrary 46 to the notion of “one person, one vote,” and allows those with 47 the most money to have an unfair advantage, and 48 WHEREAS, the political system should ensure that citizens 49 have equal access to all phases of the processes that determine 50 the outcome of elections and ballot initiatives, and 51 WHEREAS, the Florida Legislature believes that free and 52 fair elections are essential to democracy and effective self 53 governance and that unregulated and excessive expenditures by 54 corporations undermine the fairness of elections, NOW, 55 THEREFORE, 56 57 Be It Resolved by the Legislature of the State of Florida: 58 59 That the United States Congress is urged to propose to the 60 states an amendment to the Constitution of the United States 61 establishing that: 62 (1) Corporations are not persons but artificial entities 63 established by the laws of a state, the United States, or a 64 foreign state, and are subject to regulation by the people 65 through federal, state, and local governments; 66 (2) Corporations and other artificial entities have no 67 inalienable rights under the United States Constitution and that 68 corporations be subject to regulation by the people through 69 federal, state, or local government regulations; 70 (3) Money is not speech for the purpose of electioneering 71 and, therefore, that contributions and expenditures be subject 72 to limits and regulations by federal, state, and local 73 governments to ensure fair and equal access to participation in 74 the democratic process; and 75 (4) Such amendment is not intended to curtail the freedom 76 of the press. 77 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that copies of this memorial be 78 dispatched to the President of the United States, to the 79 President of the United States Senate, to the Speaker of the 80 United States House of Representatives, and to each member of 81 the Florida delegation to the United States Congress.