Florida Senate - 2017 SENATOR AMENDMENT
Bill No. CS for CS for SB 1052
Senate . House
Floor: WD/2R .
04/06/2017 01:43 PM .
Senator Simmons moved the following:
1 Senate Amendment (with title amendment)
3 Delete lines 14 - 22
4 and insert:
5 (3) A person who is attacked in a his or her dwelling or,
6 residence in which the person has a right to be, or vehicle has
7 no duty to retreat and has the right to stand his or her ground
8 by using or threatening and use or threaten to use force,
9 including deadly force, if he or she reasonably believes that
10 such conduct is necessary to prevent death or great bodily harm
11 to himself, herself, or another or to prevent the imminent
12 commission of a forcible felony uses or threatens to use force
13 in accordance with s. 776.012(1) or (2) or s. 776.031(1) or (2).
15 ================= T I T L E A M E N D M E N T ================
16 And the title is amended as follows:
17 Delete lines 3 - 6
18 and insert:
19 s. 776.013, F.S.; specifying that a person who is in a
20 dwelling or residence in which he or she has a right
21 to be has no duty to retreat and has the right to
22 stand his or her ground under certain circumstances;
23 providing an effective date.