Florida Senate - 2017 COMMITTEE AMENDMENT
Bill No. SB 454
Senate . House
Comm: WD .
03/06/2017 .
The Committee on Banking and Insurance (Brandes) recommended the
1 Senate Amendment (with title amendment)
3 Between lines 178 and 179
4 insert:
5 Section 1. Subsection (4) of section 626.916, Florida
6 Statutes, is amended to read:
7 626.916 Eligibility for export.—
8 (4) A reasonable per-policy fee, not to exceed $35, may be
9 charged by the filing surplus lines agent for each policy
10 certified for export. The per-policy fee must be itemized
11 separately for the customer before purchase and must be
12 enumerated in the policy.
14 ================= T I T L E A M E N D M E N T ================
15 And the title is amended as follows:
16 Delete line 10
17 and insert:
18 Office of Insurance Regulation; amending s. 626.916,
19 F.S.; deleting the limit of a per-policy fee that may
20 be charged by filing surplus lines agents for policies
21 certified for export; providing requirements for the
22 fee; amending s. 627.062,