Florida Senate - 2017 COMMITTEE AMENDMENT Bill No. SB 62 Ì883976aÎ883976 LEGISLATIVE ACTION Senate . House Comm: RS . 02/07/2017 . . . . ————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— ————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— The Committee on Governmental Oversight and Accountability (Bean) recommended the following: 1 Senate Amendment (with title amendment) 2 3 Delete lines 73 - 196 4 and insert: 5 i. Florida Hospital for Children in Orlando. 6 j. Nemours Children’s Hospital in Orlando. 7 2. Pediatric cardiologists or pediatric cardiovascular 8 surgeons nominated by the chief executive officer of a hospital 9 that holds a current certificate of need for a pediatric cardiac 10 program and that meets state and national standards as 11 recommended by the council following an onsite visit by a panel 12 from the council. 13 3. Two physicians who are pediatric cardiologists or 14 subspecialists with expertise in congenital heart disease; who 15 are not associated with a facility otherwise represented by a 16 voting member of the council; and who are appointed in 17 consultation with the Deputy Secretary for Children’s Medical 18 Services and the Director of Children’s Medical Services. 19 4. A community physician who has ongoing involvement with 20 and special interest in the treatment of children with heart 21 disease and who is not associated with a facility represented in 22 the membership of the council pursuant to subparagraph 1. or 23 subparagraph 2. or a community-based medical internist who has 24 experience in treating adults with congenital heart disease. 25 Appointment of a community physician shall be made in 26 consultation with the Deputy Secretary for Children’s Medical 27 Services and the Director of Children’s Medical Services. 28 5. Appointments made under subparagraphs 1. and 2. are 29 contingent on the nominating hospital’s maintenance of pediatric 30 certificates of need and the hospital’s compliance with the 31 state and national standards identified by the council in 32 exercising its duties under subparagraph (f)5. A member whose 33 hospital fails to maintain such certificates or comply with such 34 standards during his or her term, as determined by the State 35 Surgeon General, may serve only in an advisory capacity as a 36 nonvoting member until such time as the maintenance of such 37 certificates and compliance with such standards are restored. 38 (b) The State Surgeon General may appoint nonvoting, 39 advisory members to the council in consultation with the Deputy 40 Secretary for Children’s Medical Services and the Director of 41 Children’s Medical Services. Such members may participate in 42 council discussions and subcommittees created by the council. 43 (c) The chair and vice chair of the council shall be 44 elected by the council members to 2-year terms and may not serve 45 more than two consecutive terms. 46 (d) The council shall meet upon the call of the chair or 47 two or more voting members or upon the call of the State Surgeon 48 General, but must meet at least quarterly. Council meetings must 49 be conducted by teleconference or through other electronic means 50 when feasible. 51 (e) Council members shall serve without compensation, but 52 are entitled to reimbursement for per diem and travel expenses 53 in accordance with s. 112.061. 54 (f) The duties of the council include, but are not limited 55 to: 56 1. Recommending standards for personnel, clinics, and 57 facilities that provide cardiac services to clients of the 58 department and the program and for the diagnosis of cardiac 59 conditions. 60 2. Analyzing reports on the periodic review of cardiac care 61 personnel, clinics, facilities, and diagnoses to determine if 62 established state and national standards for cardiac services 63 are being met. 64 3. Making recommendations to the Director of Children’s 65 Medical Services regarding determinations of whether reviewed 66 cardiac care personnel, clinics, facilities, and diagnoses meet 67 established state and national standards for cardiac services. 68 4. Making recommendations to the Director of Children’s 69 Medical Services regarding the intervals for reinspection of 70 cardiac care personnel, clinics, facilities, and diagnoses 71 meeting established state and national standards for cardiac 72 services. 73 5. Reviewing and inspecting a hospital upon the request of 74 the hospital, the department, or the Agency for Health Care 75 Administration to analyze its compliance with established state 76 and national standards for cardiac services. 77 6. Advising the department and the Agency for Health Care 78 Administration on all aspects of the provision of cardiac care 79 under the program, including rulemaking, and on all components 80 of providing care to adults and children with congenital heart 81 disease and children with acquired heart disease. 82 7. Reviewing and analyzing compliance by cardiac care 83 personnel, clinics, and facilities with the recognized state and 84 national professional standards of care for children with heart 85 disease. 86 8. Making recommendations to the State Surgeon General for 87 legislation regarding and appropriations for pediatric cardiac 88 services. 89 9. Providing advisory opinions to the Agency for Health 90 Care Administration before the agency approves a certificate of 91 need for pediatric cardiac services. 92 (3) DESIGNATION OF PEDIATRIC AND CONGENITAL CARDIOVASCULAR 93 CENTERS OF EXCELLENCE.—Upon the recommendation of the council 94 and the Director of Children’s Medical Services, the State 95 Surgeon General shall designate facilities that the council 96 recommends have met state and national professional standards of 97 care for children with heart disease as Pediatric and Congenital 98 Cardiovascular Centers of Excellence. The council shall 99 recommend measurable performance standards and evaluation tools 100 to be used in determining whether a facility qualifies for such 101 designation. The designation of a facility as a center of 102 excellence is automatically withdrawn if the facility no longer 103 meets, as determined by the State Surgeon General, the 104 performance standards that qualified it for such designation. 105 (4) ANNUAL REPORT.—Beginning in January 1, 2019, and by 106 each January 1 thereafter, the council shall submit an annual 107 report to the Governor, the President of the Senate, the Speaker 108 of the House of Representatives, and the State Surgeon General. 109 The report must summarize the council’s activities during the 110 preceding fiscal year and include data and performance measures 111 on surgical morbidity and mortality for all the pediatric 112 cardiac facilities that participated in the program. The report 113 must also recommend any policy or procedural changes that would 114 increase the council’s effectiveness in monitoring the 115 performance of such facilities. 116 (5) RULEMAKING.— 117 (a) The department, in coordination with the Agency for 118 Health Care Administration, shall develop rules related to 119 pediatric cardiac care and facilities that participate in the 120 program. The rules shall establish standards relating to the 121 training and credentialing of medical and surgical personnel, 122 minimum case volumes for facilities and physicians, and data 123 reporting requirements for monitoring and enhancing quality 124 assurance. The rules shall meet or exceed the standard of care 125 provided in Children’s Medical Services Pediatric Cardiac 126 Facilities Standards established in October 2012. 127 (b) The department may also adopt rules relating to the 128 establishment, operation, and authority of the council and the 129 process, performance standards, and evaluation tools for 130 designating facilities as Pediatric and Congenital 131 Cardiovascular Centers of Excellence. 132 133 ================= T I T L E A M E N D M E N T ================ 134 And the title is amended as follows: 135 Delete lines 22 - 23 136 and insert: 137 Excellence; providing