Florida Senate - 2018 SB 110 By Senator Campbell 38-00158-18 2018110__ 1 A bill to be entitled 2 An act relating to language requirements for state 3 agency websites and advertisements; creating s. 4 286.31, F.S.; defining terms; requiring specified 5 information to be published on state agency websites 6 in certain languages; providing applicability; 7 requiring state agencies to disseminate certain 8 advertisements to the public in languages other than 9 English through specified media outlets in certain 10 counties; providing applicability; requiring the 11 Office of Economic and Demographic Research to publish 12 certain information on its website; providing an 13 effective date. 14 15 WHEREAS, the United States Census Bureau estimates that 16 more than 28 percent of Floridians age 5 or older speak a 17 language other than English at home, and 18 WHEREAS, in language-diverse counties of the state, which 19 include Broward, Collier, DeSoto, Glades, Hardee, Hendry, 20 Hillsborough, Lee, Monroe, Okeechobee, Orange, Osceola, Palm 21 Beach, and St. Lucie, more than 20 percent of residents age 5 or 22 older speak a language other than English at home, and in Miami 23 Dade County that figure accounts for more than 72 percent of 24 residents, and 25 WHEREAS, 32 percent of Black or African-American persons 26 residing in Miami-Dade County speak a language other than 27 English at home, more than 22 percent of them having immigrated 28 from countries where English is not the native or official 29 language, and they speak Kreyol or French, and 30 WHEREAS, more than 3.7 million Floridians speak Spanish, of 31 which more than 1.6 million speak English less than “very well,” 32 and in Miami-Dade County, more than 1.5 million speak Spanish, 33 of which more than 760,000 speak English less than “very well,” 34 and 35 WHEREAS, state agency websites as well as advertisements 36 disseminated to the public through broadcast or cable 37 television, radio, Internet, newspaper or other print media, and 38 outdoor advertising are not effective in reaching this 39 significant number of Floridians who speak English less than 40 “very well,” NOW, THEREFORE, 41 42 Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida: 43 44 Section 1. Section 286.31, Florida Statutes, is created to 45 read: 46 286.31 State agency websites and advertisements; language 47 requirements.— 48 (1) As used in this section, the term: 49 (a) “Advertising” means any marketing or promotion of state 50 programs or services, public health or consumer advisories, or 51 other public interest communications disseminated to the public 52 through any form of mass media, including, but not limited to, 53 broadcast or cable television, radio, Internet, newspaper or 54 other print media, or outdoor advertising. The term does not 55 include information provided through the emergency alert system. 56 (b) “Language-diverse county” means, according to the most 57 recent census data published by the United States Census Bureau, 58 a county in which at least 20 percent of its residents age 5 or 59 older speak a language other than English at home. 60 (c) “State agency” means any official, officer, commission, 61 board, authority, council, committee, or department of the 62 executive branch of state government. 63 (2) Each state agency website shall be published in English 64 and include hyperlinks that allow a person to view the published 65 information in Spanish and Kreyol. This subsection applies only 66 to a website’s hypertext markup language and does not require a 67 state agency to publish each linked document, such as laws, 68 rules, or other publications in portable document format or 69 other electronic format, in a language other than English. 70 (3)(a) Each state agency, when advertising to the public in 71 English in a language-diverse county, shall also provide such 72 advertising: 73 1. In each language spoken at home by more than 20 percent 74 of the county’s residents age 5 or older, according to the most 75 recent census data published by the United States Census Bureau. 76 2. Through mass media outlets that disseminate information 77 predominately in the languages described in subparagraph 1. 78 3. In a manner that is culturally sensitive. 79 (b) A statewide advertisement must comply with paragraph 80 (a) with respect to each language-diverse county. 81 (c) This subsection does not apply to legal advertisements 82 required by law. 83 (4) The Office of Economic and Demographic Research, to 84 assist state agencies in complying with this section, shall 85 publish on its website a list of each language-diverse county in 86 the state based on the most recent census data published by the 87 United States Census Bureau. 88 Section 2. This act shall take effect October 1, 2018.