Florida Senate - 2018                          SENATOR AMENDMENT
       Bill No. CS/CS/HB 1149, 2nd Eng.
                              LEGISLATIVE ACTION                        
                    Senate             .             House              
                 Floor: WD/2R          .                                
             03/08/2018 05:56 PM       .                                

       Senator Farmer moved the following:
    1         Senate Amendment (with title amendment)
    3         Between lines 1130 and 1131
    4  insert:
    5         Section 13. Subsection (8) is added to section 403.853,
    6  Florida Statutes, to read:
    7         403.853 Drinking water standards.—
    8         (8)By July 1, 2020, and every 5 years thereafter, the
    9  department shall, in consultation with the Department of Health,
   10  determine whether to adopt drinking water regulations for at
   11  least 5 contaminants included on the most recent Contaminant
   12  Candidate List published by the United States Environmental
   13  Protection Agency. Such determination must be based on the best
   14  available public health information and occurrence data. In
   15  selecting contaminants for regulation, the department must, at
   16  minimum, consider all of the following factors:
   17         (a)Public health concerns.
   18         (b)The effect of the contaminants on a meaningful portion
   19  of the general population comprised of subgroups, such as
   20  infants, children, pregnant women, the elderly, individuals with
   21  a history of serious illness, or other subpopulations that are
   22  identifiable as being at greater risk than the general
   23  population of adverse health effects due to exposure to
   24  contaminants in drinking water.
   25         (c)Environmental justice considerations.
   26         Section 14. Subsection (7) of section 403.859, Florida
   27  Statutes, is amended to read:
   28         403.859 Prohibited acts.—The following acts and the causing
   29  thereof are prohibited and are violations of this act:
   30         (7)(a) The artificial recharge by the direct pumping of
   31  treated or untreated waste into any geologic formation of the
   32  Floridan Aquifer or the Biscayne Aquifer containing total
   33  dissolved solids of 500 milligrams per liter or less, except
   34  such injection of reclaimed water from domestic wastewater
   35  treatment reuse facilities if the effluent quality of the
   36  reclaimed water meets advanced waste treatment and high level
   37  disinfection, as defined in s. 403.086, and does not contain the
   38  following contaminants of emerging concern at concentrations
   39  above health advisory levels established by the Department of
   40  Health: the water quality standards established by the
   41  Department of Environmental Protection as part of the operation
   42  permit to construct the treatment facility.
   43         1.1,4-Dioxane.
   44         2.Perfluorooctanoic acid (PFOA).
   45         3.Perfluorooctanesulfonic acid (PFOS).
   46         4.Molybdenum.
   47         (b)(a) By January 1, 1995, the Department of Environmental
   48  Protection shall adopt promulgate by rule effluent standards and
   49  conditions for any project proposing wastewater reuse of
   50  reclaimed water, for injection of the reclaimed water into the
   51  Floridan Aquifer or Biscayne Aquifer. Any injection into a
   52  geologic formation of the Floridan Aquifer or Biscayne Aquifer
   53  containing total dissolved solids of 500 milligrams per liter or
   54  less must meet the requirements of these rules.
   55         (c)(b) In the event a facility does not receive, as a part
   56  of its operation permit, permission for injection which assures
   57  compliance with department rules adopted promulgated pursuant to
   58  this subsection, the treated or untreated effluent shall be
   59  returned to the wastewater treatment plant from which the
   60  effluent was diverted during any testing period required by
   61  department rules or to another legally acceptable reuse or
   62  disposal alternative.
   63         (d) The provisions of this subsection do not apply to
   64  treated or untreated effluent currently discharging into the
   65  Floridan Aquifer or Biscayne Aquifer on June 22, 1983. However,
   66  any expansion of existing facilities on or after the effective
   67  date of this act are subject to the requirements of this
   68  subsection.
   70  ================= T I T L E  A M E N D M E N T ================
   71  And the title is amended as follows:
   72         Between lines 81 and 82
   73  insert:
   74         amending s. 403.853, F.S.; requiring the department,
   75         in consultation with the Department of Health, to
   76         determine, by a specified date and at specified
   77         intervals thereafter, whether to adopt drinking water
   78         regulations for a specified number of contaminants
   79         included on the most recent Contaminant Candidate
   80         List; specifying the required basis and factors that
   81         must be considered in making the determination;
   82         amending s. 403.859, F.S.; revising effluent quality
   83         standards for reclaimed water that may be directly
   84         pumped into geologic formations of the Floridan or
   85         Biscayne Aquifers;