Florida Senate - 2018                        COMMITTEE AMENDMENT
       Bill No. SB 1308
                              LEGISLATIVE ACTION                        
                    Senate             .             House              
                  Comm: RCS            .                                
                  01/22/2018           .                                

       The Committee on Environmental Preservation and Conservation
       (Perry) recommended the following:
    1         Senate Amendment (with title amendment)
    3         Delete lines 117 - 135
    4  and insert:
    5         (22)Counties and municipalities shall address the
    6  contamination of recyclable material in contracts for the
    7  collection, transportation, and processing of residential
    8  recyclable material based upon the following:
    9         (a)A residential recycling collector may not be required
   10  to collect or transport contaminated recyclable material. As
   11  used in this subsection, “residential recycling collector” means
   12  a for-profit business entity that collects and transports
   13  residential recyclable material on behalf of a county or
   14  municipality.
   15         (b)A materials recovery facility may not be required to
   16  process contaminated recyclable material.
   17         (c)Each contract between a residential recycling collector
   18  and a county or municipality for the collection or transport of
   19  residential recyclable material, and each request for proposal
   20  for residential recyclable material, must define the term
   21  “contaminated recyclable material” in a manner that is
   22  appropriate for the local community, based on the available
   23  markets for recyclable material. The contract and request for
   24  proposal must include:
   25         1.The respective strategies and obligations of the county
   26  or municipality and the collector to reduce the amount of
   27  contaminated recyclable material being collected;
   28         2.The procedures for identifying, documenting, managing,
   29  and rejecting residential recycling containers, carts, or bins
   30  that contain contaminated recyclable material;
   31         3.The remedies that will be used if a container, cart, or
   32  bin contains contaminated recyclable material; and
   33         4.The education and enforcement measures that will be used
   34  to reduce the amount of contaminated recyclable material.
   35         (d)Each contract between a materials recovery facility and
   36  a county or municipality for processing residential recyclable
   37  material must define the term “contaminated recyclable material”
   38  in a manner that is appropriate for the local community, based
   39  on the available markets for recyclable material. The contract
   40  must include:
   41         1.The respective strategies and obligations of the parties
   42  to reduce the amount of contaminated recyclable material being
   43  processed;
   44         2.The procedures for identifying, documenting, managing,
   45  and rejecting residential recycling containers or loads that
   46  contain contaminated recyclable material; and
   47         3.The remedies that will be used if a container or load
   48  contains contaminated recyclable material.
   49         (e)This subsection shall apply to each contract between a
   50  municipality or county and a residential recycling collector or
   51  materials recovery facility executed or renewed after the
   52  effective date of this act.
   54  ================= T I T L E  A M E N D M E N T ================
   55  And the title is amended as follows:
   56         Delete lines 17 - 23
   57  and insert:
   58         amending s. 403.706, F.S.; requiring counties and
   59         municipalities to address contamination of recyclable
   60         material in specified contracts; prohibiting counties
   61         and municipalities from requiring the collection or
   62         transport of contaminated recyclable material by
   63         residential recycling collectors; defining the term
   64         “residential recycling collector”; specifying required
   65         contract provisions in residential recycling collector
   66         and materials recovery facility contracts with
   67         counties and municipalities; providing