Florida Senate - 2018                                Committee       Amendment
SPB2500                                                 AHS              34

The Committee on Appropriations (Montford) recommended the following 

Section: 03              EXPLANATION:

On Page: 077             Provides $250,000 in nonrecurring general revenue 
                         funds for the Comprehensive Emergency Services 
Spec App:  347           Center (CESC) Homelessness Services and Residential 
                         Support (Senate Form 2526) and reduces funding for 
                         Fixed Capital Outlay by the same amount in the 
                         Department of Children and Families.

NET IMPACT ON:            Total Funds       General Revenue          Trust Funds
    Recurring -                    0                     0                    0 
Non-Recurring -                    0                     0                    0 

                                               Positions & Amount   Positions & Amount
                                                     DELETE         INSERT

        Program: Economic Self Sufficiency 
        Economic Self Sufficiency Services  60910708

        In Section 03  On Page 077
347     Special Categories  100561
        Grants And Aids - Homeless Housing                
        Assistance Grants  IOEB

   1000   General Revenue Fund                     3,350,000      3,600,000
       CA 250,000  FSI1NR 250,000  

At the end of existing proviso language, following Specific 
Appropriation 347, INSERT:

Comprehensive Emergency Services Center Homelessness Services 
  and Residental Support (Senate Form 2526)..................   $250,000

        Program: Executive Leadership
        Executive Direction And Support Services  60900101

 995070  Log:0063  DMS/DMS           01/29/18 07:35:36 PM  Senate  Page: 1
        In Section 03  On Page 070
296     Fixed Capital Outlay  080751
        Department Of Children And Family                
        Services Fixed Capital Needs For 
        Centrally Managed Facilities  IOEJ

   1000   General Revenue Fund                     3,546,800      3,296,800
       CA -250,000  FSI1NR -250,000  

 995070  Log:0063  DMS/DMS           01/29/18 07:35:36 PM  Senate  Page: 2